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mouse mode mess

Does anyone else have erratic mouse mode function?
We've got a 6-axis arm that occasionally goes into mouse mode when we hit button #1 WTF?
  • Doug,

    You're sure your not hitting button 2 and 1 at the same time? That will get you into mouse mode (while holding button 2, hit button 1 and then release button 2, or something like that) If you don't want to put down the arm to fix it, you can get out of mouse mode by pointing the cursor at the bar along the top of the PCDMis Window and pressing button 1. Can't you disable mouse mode altogether from the Cimcore Software?

  • For anyone who finds this thread, the problem is friction between buttons 1 & 2 (6-axis arm). While taking hits, I release button 2 with a bit of sideways force. If entering data with button 1, sideways force can pull down button 2 enough that both buttons register. (As Kamikaze suggested) Romer is going to replace the buttons at my convenience. In the meantime, we're turning off the mouse option.
  • For anyone who finds this thread, the problem is friction between buttons 1 & 2 (6-axis arm). While taking hits, I release button 2 with a bit of sideways force. If entering data with button 1, sideways force can pull down button 2 enough that both buttons register. (As Kamikaze suggested) Romer is going to replace the buttons at my convenience. In the meantime, we're turning off the mouse option.

    OK, how do you turn this option off? I genuinely hate the way Hexagon decided to handle the mouse mode thing.

    They showed us a 7 axis then left us a 6 axis and it doesn't work the same way. I am absoultely terrified of touching any button other than the center one.

    BTW, I have a few calls into Hex Tech Support for the ROMER. They have not called back all week and I always get an answering machine. How did you get them on the line?
  • Tried calling your local rep or the person that did your training? They might be able to get some wheels spinnin.