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Romer Probe files

I have just setup a Romer Infinite 2.0 with PCDMIS 4.3 mr1 on a Dell Precision M90.
When I fire up pcdmis and try to select a probe that I have calibrated I can not find it. Is there a path I need to change or a probe file I need to setup somewhere?
  • Which version of WinRds are you using?

    Did you have a previous version of PC-DMIS installed on this PC

    What interface is enabled on your portlock? If you do not know this its OK, we have ways of finding out.. Buuuuhhhhhaaaaahhaaaa ;-)
  • Which version of WinRds are you using?

    Did you have a previous version of PC-DMIS installed on this PC

    What interface is enabled on your portlock? If you do not know this its OK, we have ways of finding out.. Buuuuhhhhhaaaaahhaaaa ;-)

    5.2 with the cypress driver update, no prevoius versions, not sure of the interface.
  • Are you using one of the standard probes or a special one?
    In WinRds, how is the probe identified? Is there a 16 digit value or does it just say Probe#?

    To find out what your interface is run C:\Program Files\WAI\PC-DMIS V43\Custprog.exe then save the modual list to your desktop. Copy and paste the text in to your reply.

    We are getting closer
  • Are you using one of the standard probes or a special one?
    In WinRds, how is the probe identified? Is there a 16 digit value or does it just say Probe#?

    To find out what your interface is run C:\Program Files\WAI\PC-DMIS V43\Custprog.exe then save the modual list to your desktop. Copy and paste the text in to your reply.

    We are getting closer

    It is a standard 3mm Ball interchangeable tip, it just says probe#: 3, no ID number.

    Key ID: 66b07481
    Key Serial: 206483
    Key Version No: 2
    3.25 Enabled
    CAD Output Translator
    Display CAD
    DMIS Translator
    Online Interface-Romer
    Stats Output
    Tactile Probing
    Vendor-WAI (Generic)
  • I also recieved this little usb drive with my arm, thought it was a nice little gift...I opened it to use it today and found Probe data and such for the arm. Called support...found out I am a moron and I am cleaning up my mess now.
    Thanks for your help guys...oh yeah...there will be more moronic questions to follow, I am sure.