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Faro Arm

OK guys> My company just bought a new Faro Arm agenst my wishes. It has Polyworks software and I don't know any thing about it. Any one out their know any thing about them? I have been told we may have to go to Canada for the training on this thing. My Brown and Sharp CMM this thing is not!
Thanks for the help!
  • Carl,

    I have over 10 years experience with PolyWorks and over 15 years with PCDMIS. Both products are quite good and I imagine your company saw a benefit with one over the other. I have instructed on both and if you are reluctant to learning anything other than what you know you will most likely feel discomfort but, in the end, you should find both worthy and appreciate the similarities and differences of each one. I do not know what arrangements have been made for training but you can contact me if you'd like on-site training.

    I've heard good things about PolyWorks. (from users, not from the company website)
  • Carl,

    I have over 10 years experience with PolyWorks and over 15 years with PCDMIS. Both products are quite good and I imagine your company saw a benefit with one over the other. I have instructed on both and if you are reluctant to learning anything other than what you know you will most likely feel discomfort but, in the end, you should find both worthy and appreciate the similarities and differences of each one. I do not know what arrangements have been made for training but you can contact me if you'd like on-site training.

    I've heard good things about PolyWorks. (from users, not from the company website)
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