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No images in Operator Comments

WARNING - First-time Poster!
When I import images into my full-screen Operator Comments, they are supposed to become part of the program, right? Most of my programs end up only showing SOME of the images. The Op Comment still shows the path that the comment was retrieved from, but no image is displayed. The program I just created - NONE of the images displayed, but all of them show the path that they were retrieved from. Any ideas? I have fixed in the past by REMOVEing the image and re-ADDing the image, but I get very tired of re-doing this activity so frequently. Thanks for any help.
  • .i am about to get an upgrade from 3.7 to 2011...... will i have to redo all programs with picture since they are external objects or will they still work?

    They will still work. But now you can move the images into comments if you so desire.

    The image becomes a part, you can link it and place it where you want. This works well to keep the file updated (changes are seen during execution) and the file can be used by multiple machines. If you don't link you'll have to redo it each time something needs changing (to the image).

    Thanks from the stone age John!


    I was caught off guard when we bought the Discovery and found this option.
    It makes more sense than the old way. I still use that on my Mistral as it's running 3.2063 .
  • I do my programming in Summary Mode, importing the photos and illustrations using the "Import Media" button. The path to the media's location shows up in the window even though the picture does not display. When I switch to Command Mode to review my code, there is no indication that a graphic is associated with the comment. It seems I should see a reference to the graphic here - right?

    Example from Command Mode:


    Same in Summary Mode (Edit):

    (Hope my attachment came through!)

    Am I the only one having this difficulty?
  • I don't program in summary mode, but yes, that is what you should see.
  • Well, I found something interesting today! As I create a program and bring images into my comments, everything is fine. Run the program, all works great. I can even move my work folder full of images to a different location, and the program still displays them (indicating that the images are indeed PART OF THE PROGRAM).


    Then, I go into the “Properties” of the .PRG file to make the file “Read Only” (write-protect). Run the program. Now the pictures don’t display!! Un-check the Read-Only box, everything works fine.

    ??? Seems I can’t write-protect my programs – is there another way I can make sure my programs don’t get corrupted?

    Oh, yeah - 2011 MR1.

    Thanks all!Confused