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Dwell before each hit taken?

I noticed that sometimes when taking points along the contour of a part, I can see the readout showing good vector numbers while I scan, but after I make a point group and then try to make a profile dimension for the report, shows the numbers all over the place.

I pondered this a bit and tryed a few things before noticing that if I come to a complete stop, and dwelled for just a second before each hit, everything reads fine. When I take points while the ball probe is still moving, the points are thrown out seemingly at random.

Now I know that if the probe is gliding along the surface too fast, the romer will make an unpleasant sound letting you know to slow down, but I'm refferring to times that it's not making that sound, but still throwing the points out

Is there a dwell setting of some sort that can adjust how long you must sit before each hit?
Our old romer, (that still uses Supra Stuff,) can take acurate points while the probe is moving with no issue, so I got a bit spoiled using that old dinosaur
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