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2013 RS1 Scan speed

Any one else have trouble with the speed of the RS1 in 2013?

I have found that once you start to get a few million scan points, the scan speed vastly slows down. The beeps that the RS1 makes as it is taking points has slowed down to a beep every 15-20 seconds......and no points being scanned.

Has anyone else ran into this?
  • I am assuming that you are scanning into PcDmis. If that is the case you have to remember that PcDmis wasn't really made to do heavy scanning. That kind of data collection really needs to be done in something like Polyworks or Rapidform (Now something else in Geomagic). As you start to get where you are doing alot of laser scanning data collection you really need to think about another software. Some might disagree but you really don't see a heavy presence of PcDmis scanning in the market and there is a reason for that.

    Like I said if you are doing alot of scanning inspection outside of simple overlays or simple scans you really might want to look at Polyworks. It have a pretty flawless software package with the arm.
  • I thought all those that you mentioned were for reverse engineering?

    I'm not doing reverse engineering, although we do run into a few instances where it would be nice to have that ability. Our CAD guys can make use of the scan data from PCDmis, but it is a lot of screwing around.

    The arm was marketed to us as an inspection tool for castings, which it works fine on. I have no problem scanning in 2011 MR1 custom or 2012 MR1( just installed today ), but if I use 2013, forget it......

    If PCDmis isn't meant for heavy scanning, then what good is it?
  • Are you filtering the data at all? For castings.... I would filter it using "distance" and 1mm as the smallest, I mean, it's a casting for crying out loud. You can filter the scan, and purge it, then do more scanning, and every so often, execute the filter/purge commands to keep the cop under control. "Millions" would only come into play for RE, not for inspection.
  • The solution to the problem is to create a new COP when scanning speed slows down. Create a new COP and scanning speed increases again. After you have multiple COPS and complete coverage of the part, then combine all the COPS into one new COP and do your filtering at that point. This seems to be working, I'm not loosing data this way.

    Now if I could just get my RTF to come out rght, I think I would be in good shape again. The AE is supposed to get back to me on this one, as he couldn't figure that problem out when he was here last week.
  • PCDMIS tends to chug when COPs exceed a certain size.

    The bottleneck is in the hardware, as I've experienced. As my laptops and desktops have gained horsepower, so has the max size of the COP.
  • From what I understand, Hexagon changed the way the scanner collects data in 2013 MR1. I was told this by Grant Phillip, an AE from the Elgin, Il. office.

    Prior to 2013MR1 I never had this problem. See my above post for the solution.
  • As the product owner of Pointcloud, I can confirm this. In 2013Mr1 the pointcloud engine has been replaced to the 3DReshaper engine. This change will take advantage of the mutlithreading possibilities which we hadn't with the previous COPLIB dll. The integration of this engine in pcdmis has a few side effects. The biggest one you are explaining here, that it seems as pcdmis is not collecting enough points. In reality it is the Graphic window which is trying to update and can't follow all of this data. A simple test can be done to prove this: Close your Graphic window while scanning and once you reopened this, you will see that all points are available and there is no loss of points. In the mean time we have been working on this issue and in version 2014 it is completely resolved. Unfortunately because of major changes in the code, we can't just move this solution to the previous 2013 MR1 version.
  • As the product owner of Pointcloud, I can confirm this. In 2013Mr1 the pointcloud engine has been replaced to the 3DReshaper engine. This change will take advantage of the mutlithreading possibilities which we hadn't with the previous COPLIB dll. The integration of this engine in pcdmis has a few side effects. The biggest one you are explaining here, that it seems as pcdmis is not collecting enough points. In reality it is the Graphic window which is trying to update and can't follow all of this data. A simple test can be done to prove this: Close your Graphic window while scanning and once you reopened this, you will see that all points are available and there is no loss of points. In the mean time we have been working on this issue and in version 2014 it is completely resolved. Unfortunately because of major changes in the code, we can't just move this solution to the previous 2013 MR1 version.

    Thanks for the tip. This works,.....on second thought, not that great...going back to 2011Mr1.
  • 2014 seems to work very well. I would say even better then 2011MR1. Job well done.