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Measuring a Cone

I had been writing a program with our Absolute Arm with version 12 software. I typically work off of a split screen (Command Mode on the Left and Graphics View on the right.) I was toward the end of the program and had just put a cone into my program. I accidently hit something that turn my screen from a split screen to a single screen. In the process of trying to revert back to a split screen, I clicked on various buttons starting with the (red arrow...Set Start Point button. I had also clicked on the (Insert/Remove Break Point Button). Needless to say ...neither button gave me my split screen back. After finally getting my split screen back and removing the start points and the break points I had accidently put into my program, I decided to run the program. The program ran fine until I get to the Cone and it asks me to take 1/32 pointsfor my cone. As soon as I take my first point the software cycles thru the other 31 points automatically and goes to my next feature which is a plane.....point# 2/5. I can back up 1 pointand measure all 5 points on my plane and then the software reverts me back to point # 1/32 on my cone. At this time it will let me take all 32 points on my cone. I have re-written the program with the Identical same results. I tried re-storing the computer to a previous date before the Incident....still the same results. I also tried re-installing the PC-DIS software with again the same results. There are no visible Start points or Break points in my program. I also had my Supervisor with 10+ years on a CMM with PC-DMIS software look at the problem and another Co-Worker with 4+ years with PC-DMIS on a CMM look at this problem and neither of them could find a solution. After Speaking with Josh Carpenter with Hexagon Metrology I was told to to hit the F5 key and under the General Tab at the bottom of the page under "EXECUTION" box it says "ANY ORDER EXECUTE TOLERANCE" and a box. the value in this box was 0.393. Josh told me to change this number to "0" and run the program........ THIS DID CORRECT THE PROBLEM....... Thank You Josh for all of your help!!!!!

Roy Cason