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CATIA DCT Import Issue

Has anyone experienced any issues lately when importing a CATIA file via DCT? I have had what seems like every one of my models fail on import lately due to what seems to be that a newer version of CATIA was used to create the file.

I continuously get an error dialog when importing files for one customer that states the file was created in V5 - 6R*** and the latest I can open is V5R19. Now I know that my organization uses CATIA V5R19 for this particular customer and when creating measurment plans that is what has been used. We also use V5R23 for one of our other customers (we use OEM licenses, thus different versions), and I have no issues importing their files which were generated in a later CATIA release! Also, I would think that regardless of what version CATIA these were generated in, that since I am using a DCT I should be up to date with whatever version PC-DMIS I am using and since I have an active SMA, there should be no issues because updates should take care of this.

I have been converting the files to iges from my CATIA workstation for import, but I hate converting CATIA files to iges let alone step, and especially when they are OEM files. Besides, I don't think I should have to convert anything if I am shelling out the extra cash every year for a CATIA DCT and currently am unable to even use it.

If anyone else has seen this or know what it's about please let me know.


P.S. If there are still any of the old dogs on this forum, please reach out. I'm still alive...for now anyway