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Identical results laser scan after laser scan.

My programs give me identical results for the auto features that are extracted from the COP. The first time the program is ran everything is fine, but when ran again which includes COP empty command and new laser scan to make a new COP I get identical results and my 3 point COP-to-CAD (1000pt, 20 interations refinement included) alignment gets screwed up. The results are identical out to 5 decimal places. If I run the program once, then close program and close PC DMIS 2014.1, then start PC DMIS again and load the program again I get repeatable results that are good and they are not identical. Anybody have a idea whats going on here? Also PC DMIS runs slower and slower as the day progresses. I'm using 2014.1 with a Romer Arm and RS2 laser probe.
  • okay I've found that using a surface color map helps keep my COP aligned to my CAD model after doing a feature alignment, but my measured values still are repeating out to .00000 places even if the part is rotated and the round bosses I'm measuring are no longer the exact same ones measured the first time. Does anyone know why PC DMIS 2014.1 would keep giving me the same measured values over and over unless I close the program and exit PC DMIS?
  • My response here probably is not going to be very much help as I have never ran into this problem in 3 years of running PC DMIS ( 4 different versions ) with an RS1 laser.

    What kind of auto features are you trying to extract? I build almost all of my features from individual auto points.

    I have had PC DMIS go right past my COP and make the nominal CAD data my measured data, although this happens far and few between and it is usually only 1 or two points, not the entire program.

    My next suggestion would be to contact Tech support, even though I have never really gotten any help from them. There is probably a check box checked some where in one of the many menus that shouldn't be checked.

    One other possibility would be to get a settings file from some one and see if it changes anything. This would wipe out any settings that you have and your tool bar and screen arrangements. I am not even sure if it is possible to install some one else's settings file on your machine, but I could send you my settings file.....worth a shot. sstaral@wafco.com

    As far as PC DMIS running slower and slower, I believe this is common. Some times closing PC DMIS down and restarting it takes care of this.
  • Thanks for the reply Scott. The Romer product engineer came to our facility and spent all day trying to find the source of this problem. He ended up taking our Dell laptop back to Michigan with him. While onsite he was in contact with high level tech support and this high level tech support person said that he has seen this problem before and it is usually computer related. We actually hooked up another Dell from Midwest meteorology and the same problem occurred. I could use some tips on methods, such as do you import the model and scan or do you import model, program all of your features first and then scan? Also do you use any COP modifiers such as surface color-map?
  • If you are new to the Hexagaon PC DMIS family you will find that it is always the computers problem....usually the graphics card, LOL. To me, if the same problem occurred on two different computers, it's not the computers fault....I would think it was something that was common between the two set ups.....i.e. the arm itself or the cables connecting the arm to the laptop...etc.

    It will be interesting to see what they find.

    We used to import the model, then scan and then create the program, .....this worked fine. Once I realized that we had the ability to offline program, I do all the programming ahead of time now, prior to receiving parts.

    I would't consider color mapping a COP "modifier" as it doesn't modify anything, it just gives you pretty colors to look at.

    Also, I have been using 2014, not 2014.1. I haven't tried 2014.1 yet. 2011MR1 was good, 2012 and 2013 did not work well at all.
  • Scott, I hope you find this info helpful. There is a bug in PC DMIS that was confirmed by Ute Burton (wilcox point could owner). The sequence of my noob programs was what revealed the flaw in PC Dmis. I was importing the model, scanning with laser, doing a COP to CAD alignment (3 point with refinement), extracting just the auto features I needed for a basic alignment, constructing the features for alignment and then doing a feature based alignment. From there I would extract the other auto features from the COP and dimension.

    The work around (or correct sequence) is to is to extract ALL laser auto features first, then do constructions and an feature based alignments.

    The only reason I took the time to share is because you replied to my thread. Hey I'm still a novice so any helpful Romer, Laser tips are welcome.