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Romer Help

We recently got a new laptop for our Romer arm and after a week of problems with the install on windows 10, we got it working.

Now when we are measuring features there is a long delay between the time we take a point and when it records on pc-dmis, not only that, but there is a delay with everything you click on, on the screen(like opening the alignment box, clicking on a feature, etc...)

Is there any suggestion for settings to change to try and avoid calling Tech Support again?
Parents Reply Children
  • Suggestion, you need a better laptop. 4gb of RAM is at least 1/4 of what you should have. It looks like that's not even a laptop that HP offers anymore.

    Does that thing even have a CAD video card (an Nvidia Quadro preferably)?

    Are you using the arm hardwired (USB and CAT5 cables plugged into the laptop) or wireless (not optimal for scanning)?