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Romer Infinite Probe Naming Convention

I'm trying to re-name our probes (3mm, 6mm, etc.) to remove the standard names that come from the factory. I am running WinRDS with PC-DMIS 2014.1 (SP 6) on an Infinite 2.0 Romer arm. I can name the tip in WinRDS as 3MM_PROBE, but when I open PC-DMIS, it shows as 3MM_PROBE_50L_5D. I want to be able to remove the 50L_5D part of the name so that PC-DMIS only shows 3MM_PROBE. So far, any rough hints on the forum of renaming the probe file PC-DMIS generates and other methods have not worked. I have no problem naming the tips the way I want with RDS and an Absolute arm. Is this just a limitation of the Infinite arm and/or WinRDS? Any help would be appreciated!