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Slot True position

How would I go about reporting the true position call outs for the slot?? would I be reporting the length and x-coordinate location and then doing the width with only y-coordinate location? what should my report look like
  • How would I go about reporting the true position call outs for the slot?? would I be reporting the length and x-coordinate location and then doing the width with only y-coordinate location? what should my report look like {"data-align":"none","data-size":"large","data-attachmentid":430897}

    Use TP in Legacy Mode, and check only the box for X or Y axis (whichever the length falls into). The only thing that gets tricky is the MMC, you might want to do the math after the fact, as it with look at width and not length for MMC.
  • How would I go about reporting the true position call outs for the slot?? would I be reporting the length and x-coordinate location and then doing the width with only y-coordinate location? what should my report look like {"data-align":"none","data-size":"large","data-attachmentid":430897}

    Use TP in Legacy Mode, and check only the box for X or Y axis (whichever the length falls into). The only thing that gets tricky is the MMC, you might want to do the math after the fact, as it with look at width and not length for MMC.
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