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GD&T Question

How do I use the basic [4.39] with total run-out or do I somehow add it with the concentricity? I am lost with how to measure the 4.39". I can do it with a true position but that is not an option here.

  • I have been informed today that "Basic dimensions can be used with profile, position, and runout too." I was asked to review some books.
  • I have been informed today that "Basic dimensions can be used with profile, position, and runout too." I was also instructed to review some books. How do I answer this without causing further animosity?

    Agree that Basics can be used with profile and position. Make at least semi serious effort at reviewing the books. Then ask to be shown where that information came from. Worst that could happen is that your g,d & t knowledge can be expanded on company time
  • Your 4.39 BASIC is tied back to the right hand side, where there is no datum. As already stated here, unless there is something stated in a note or on the print elsewhere, that basic dim should be connected to a datum feature with a corresponding geometric control somewhere on the print. The statement that you were given "Basic dimensions can be used..." is an attempt to circumvent the issue that this print is incomplete as we have been presented it here.

    As kingsld says, there is also nothing wrong with enhancing your GD&T knowledge on company time.
  • Ask them to show you how that 4.39 basic relates the feature to A.

    Imagineers... Making sh** up as they go.
  • "Basic dimensions can be used with profile, position, and runout too."

    Wait, what?

    Sure, it can be used on a drawing having both basic dimensions and GD&T, but basic dimensions (TED) - as far as I know - does not control runout (i.e. you do not need basics to check runout - unless at a specific position on the feature).

    I might be stepping out on a limb here.
  • Zero,
    BASIC dimensions almost always correlate back to a feature control frame....so things like "profile", "position",and "runout" are directly related to BASICS if the engineer knows what he/she is doing....rough example FEATURE CONTROL FRAME: POS|Ø.015|A ....this roughly correlates to ±.0053 So if you have a basic relating to a specific feature connecting any 2 axis' the tolerance on both would roughly be ±.0053..this works for hole locations....profile if it is bilateral...example profile( bilateral) of .020 ....means ±.010 ....runout is found using dial indicator usually ......when checking runout the most accurate way is with a dial indicator with proper graduations...i.e.; .001 or .0005, or .0001...etc....
  • Thank you all for your support, this issue has been advanced to a higher-ranking individual. Fingers crossed this gets fixed moving forward.
  • Datum A is the inside diameter if you see the extended lines on the left inner top and bottom just a poor drawing .The groove can be dimensioned for total runout to datum A. Measure the inside diameter datum A as a cylinder then level and origin to it and then measure the grieve and dimension the total runout of it to Datum A The basic dimension has nothing to do with it thought but yes a basic dimension can have to do with a profile and or a true position callout but it has nothing to do with either callout here ..Not the Total runout nor the Concentricity callout....The basic dimension is for the other axis of the groove which must be controlled with a different feature control frame...
  • The print has been updated, there is no longer a [Basic Dimension] on the print.
    Life is good again.
    I would like to thank all of you for your help and assistance during these troubled times.