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4.2 Probe Comp issue

We recently loaded 4.2MR1 on our B&S (Faro) arm and are having an issue with the probe comp not functioning as you would think it should.
Did a standard PLP alignment on a surface plate parallel bar, with the lower left corner being the X,Y,Z origin. When 2 hits for a line are taken on the Y origin surface after the alignment, I get a result of zero. However, when doing a line on the opposing surface (parallel to Y surface), the result is 6mm larger (using a 6mm tip). Probe comp is on.
Now...after trying some other things, all hits taken, no matter where, are 6mm larger...and it says probe comp is still on??????Confused
  • When using 4.2 with an arm. you want to make sure you level to a plan before measuring any other features for your alignment. After you level 4.2 will assume a vector direction of 0,0,1 for the rest of the features. Using your quick start menu for the alignment will automatically do this for you and it will also automatically generate an intersecting point for a plan, line, line alignment. Let me know if this helps.

  • When using 4.2 with an arm. you want to make sure you level to a plan before measuring any other features for your alignment. After you level 4.2 will assume a vector direction of 0,0,1 for the rest of the features. Using your quick start menu for the alignment will automatically do this for you and it will also automatically generate an intersecting point for a plan, line, line alignment. Let me know if this helps.

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