Running PC-DMIS 2013 MR1 SP5 on Windows 7 PC connected to an Optiv Performance z443
I have several part programs that run though to completion using touch probes
I received a part that requires vision due to the crossholes (there are a lot) being generally too small
So I created the part program and was faced with many issues...
(Such as all of the numbers randomly changing by thousandths, leaving me to clean up everything with 0+0's!)
However, it is done, and I'm trying to check it, but it crashes at the first measurement.
Strangely enough, it worked before!
I have not been able to run this program all of the way through, it only crashes when it measures a crosshole.
The way the program is set up is it performs an alignment using the touch probe, then switches to the camera
The camera looks for a crosshole, and if it does not find it, it rotates 180° and tries again (where it will find it, or we made the part wrong!) Otherwise it continues as normal.
However pretty much since I added the "OnError" stuff it starts crashing at the hole.
I was able to verify that it works (the OnError) previously, and, upon this discovery, moved on to programming the rest of the part.
I needed to get the crosshole perfect or I couldn't measure the part, you see.
So it worked for a bit, but not anymore, and it keeps crashing. Strange!
I tried to measure a different hole in the same program, and had the same issue.
I am unfamiliar with Rotary Tables, maybe
JEFMAN could be of better assistance to you. My question is why do you use both top and ring light together? I haven't done it this way, I use one or the other. Maybe your part is a little different than what I run.
If vectors are changing on you, I am curious as to how your alignment is set up. In addition, how do you calibrate your touch probes to vision?
I am unfamiliar with Rotary Tables, maybe
JEFMAN could be of better assistance to you. My question is why do you use both top and ring light together? I haven't done it this way, I use one or the other. Maybe your part is a little different than what I run.
If vectors are changing on you, I am curious as to how your alignment is set up. In addition, how do you calibrate your touch probes to vision?