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Combine Feature Hit Data

Running PC-DMIS 2013 MR1 SP5 on an Optiv Performance 1z443

Let's be clear; I'm not exactly certain what I'm looking for, but bear with me.

Basically I have a circle I would like to measure at two different Z locations. Same location, same diameter, but there is a section cut out and I have to go a litle deeper to measure it.

My original thought was;

"If I try to do this using one Vision Auto Circle, having separate hit targets at a lower Z, will this cause it to be skewed at an angle?"
Ideally not, and I'm requesting clarification on that as well.

My second thought involved two Auto Circles, one for each Z value, the upper section not taking points on the cut section.
My problem is: The upper circle contians two small arcs, and the lower circle is entirely a small arc!

So here's what I wanted to do (and where I have more trouble explaining)
Basically I wanted to project all of the points from both Auto Circles onto a 2D plane, and construct a circle from that.
My thinking is combining the data will make 1 "good" circle with much larger coverage than three small arc sections, and it will be more mathematically accurate to project the points to a 2D surface.

Any thoughts on how I might do this, or preferably an easier method?

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