Changing from Port 2 tip to Port 3 tip causes port 3 tip to hang off or be picked up to left of center. Probe head still functions til it takes a hit. Then error message appears about bad hit etc. This happens about every 50th to 60th probe change. Keeps snapping.3mm (point 3 mm x 10 mm length) tips while running a 16 part fixture. Yes I can raise probe and reset tip ( green arrow button) and hit redo; but, this program is to run auto after being started by operator(s). I have cleaned tip. port etc yet is till occurs frequently! This is while using Optiv 443Dual Z with PC-MIS 2017R2
I could be wrong here, but that doesn't look right to me. Will follow up tomorrow once @ work. (not sure what that first item is on the list) We have an Optiv 443 Dual Z Performance and that top line in probe build doesn't ring a bell. Will post image @ end of thread.