We have a new part from a customer. It has a large radii (4.118) inch. I have a small section that I am able to measure. I'm having a lot of trouble getting repeatable results from the feature. I tried using the master option in advanced options then referencing that in the next cir feature. That didn't help. I know I can use fixed radii option but I would rather not do that. I read about a remeasure but I dont seem to have that option. I'm guessing that's an extra cost option.
When you put your answer like that it seems so simple lol. I'm using 3d best fit alignment, the part doesn't have one straight edge. Do you think recalling the 3D B.F after measuring the radii and aligning to that will cause issues? Or should I just do a new 3D BF.
When you put your answer like that it seems so simple lol. I'm using 3d best fit alignment, the part doesn't have one straight edge. Do you think recalling the 3D B.F after measuring the radii and aligning to that will cause issues? Or should I just do a new 3D BF.