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I run PC-DMIS in Protected Mode. Usually the report window is open. Is there a way to minimize the report window automatically with a script when the software kicks into a manual vision feature? I only have a few programs that do this.
It would be great to add a script before those features occur to automatically minimize the report window since that sits over the top of the vision and then once those features are done, I can have a script to open the report window back up.
Better yet, PC-DMIS should just do this automatically....
Protected mode. I am looking at protected mode, I found there is no way to run F9 marked probes calibration ? What shall we do to run calibration in the protected mode? :?
I run PC-DMIS in Protected Mode. Usually the report window is open. Is there a way to minimize the report window automatically with a script when the software kicks into a manual vision feature? I only have a few programs that do this.
It would be great to add a script before those features occur to automatically minimize the report window since that sits over the top of the vision and then once those features are done, I can have a script to open the report window back up.
Better yet, PC-DMIS should just do this automatically....
Sub Main(state as string) Dim App As Object Dim PartProg As Object Dim RepWin As Object Set App = CreateObject("Pcdlrn.Application") Set PartProg = App.ActivePartProgram Set RepWin = PartProg.ReportWindow if state = "show" then RepWin.Visible = True end if if state = "noshow" then RepWin.Visible = False end if if state = "" then if RepWin.Visible = true then RepWin.Visible = false elseif RepWin.Visible = false then RepWin.Visible = true end if End Sub
Blatantly stolen from the online helpfile and edited:
Sub Main(state as string) Dim App As Object Dim PartProg As Object Dim RepWin As Object Set App = CreateObject("Pcdlrn.Application") Set PartProg = App.ActivePartProgram Set RepWin = PartProg.ReportWindow if state = "show" then RepWin.Visible = True end if if state = "noshow" then RepWin.Visible = False end if if state = "" then if RepWin.Visible = true then RepWin.Visible = false elseif RepWin.Visible = false then RepWin.Visible = true end if End Sub
Save it and call it from your program: "show" as argument should show the report window, "noshow" should close the report window. No argument "should" close it if open and open it if closed.
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