We have a new cmm, with the HP-C-T camera.
The calibration doesn't work, we get a "focus error", we checked the wiring, it seems to be ok...
Any thought ?
To install the software and configure the frame grabber hardware, do the following:
Install the USB to Ethernet to USB communication cabling.
Copy and unzip the deva036usb software.
Connect the HP-C-T to the machine.
Open Device Manager. Look for Other Devices/Unknown device
Update the driver. Select Browse my computer for drivers and go to the directory where deva036usb was unzipped.
Verify there is a Deva36 USB Video Probe under Universal Serial Bus controllers in the Device Manager and that the status is that it is working properly.
Run PC-DMIS in Administrator mode.
Close PC-DMIS.
Configure the PC-DMIS frame grabber and camera settings. For more details, see the " Interface-Specific Options " topic.
Confirm the live image view is working.
To install the software and configure the frame grabber hardware, do the following:
Install the USB to Ethernet to USB communication cabling.
Copy and unzip the deva036usb software.
Connect the HP-C-T to the machine.
Open Device Manager. Look for Other Devices/Unknown device
Update the driver. Select Browse my computer for drivers and go to the directory where deva036usb was unzipped.
Verify there is a Deva36 USB Video Probe under Universal Serial Bus controllers in the Device Manager and that the status is that it is working properly.
Run PC-DMIS in Administrator mode.
Close PC-DMIS.
Configure the PC-DMIS frame grabber and camera settings. For more details, see the " Interface-Specific Options " topic.
Confirm the live image view is working.