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I'm looking for something on the forum for ripping to an exel file.
and this works well but I can not get it as an xlsx file.

I have a exel file where only nominal sizes want to append on a exel location

in the yellow boxes.

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  • I do not use that I just want to have specific measurements on exel.
    so I do it with i / o comando and that does not work with xlsx

    Then you have to do it as outlined above - have a master xlsx, open that in Excel, open your csv in Excel, run an Excel macro that moves the values from the csv worksheet to the xlsx worksheet.


    Skip the I/O in your pp:s, in your xlsx master you write an Excel macro that explicitly grabs the correct values from PC-DMIS and puts them in the right place. I have an Excel workbook doing something like that, but as it is a product we (Hexagon Metrology Nordic AB, Sweden) sell, I can't give out too much coding details... This one needs the operator to click the Read button in Excel after each part is run.

  • Nice and Neat! As always you can expect quality stuff from
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