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Creating "Icons"

How To Create Buttons "ICONS"
Today I learned how to create my own personal icons
and I wanted to share it with you guys.
An example of why I created some myself was because typically when
I start a new program I add generic info.
such as Job#,SN#,Sectioning,etc.
this all gets old after awhile and
so now I depend on my personal icons to do the long handing for me.
-So what you wanna do is open a fresh program and organize it the way you want them all to look
-Choose a convenient path to export it.
-Open it up in notepad
-Delete the unneeded info from the code
-Save the changes
-Open PC-Dmis back up and right click on any toolbar and choose "customize"
-Click on "Create Item"
-In the command File section choose to browse the location. Find the location you previously exported the "Basic" file to and choose it.
-Once back to the Custom Wizard/Script/Tool screen you can add an Icon to this file by clicking on the "change icon" tab. (must be a .ico file) Google them, there are millions for free.
-Click o.k. and once your back to the Customize toolbar menu the choose the "toolbars" tab.
-Click on toolbar definition and choose which toolbar you want the new icon to be placed on.
-Then drop down the "user defined commands" box and find the icon you made.
-Click "ADD" and then hit "APPLY"
-Press o.k.
-You should now see your new icon in the toolbar you set it too!