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3D-Printed fixtures

I'm looking into easy fixture solutions and was thinking about 3D printed fixtures. Would that be possible. I'm wondering if I could make some fixture arms, or even some standoffs, or if needed some complex fixtures. That being said, what filament would work well for both precision and accuracy as well as durability. PLA and ABS look like good candidates. Or am I wasting my time?
  • i went with the dremel 3d45 and im glad i did it has RFID tag filament you can buy right from amazon and the profiles are pre leaded for their own filament as well it has Ethernet as well as WiFi and a camera it can run a cura witch is what i use at home for a home printer i would get something else but for work this thing just works not meany failed prints and there eco abs ( hitemp pla) is so nice to work with.
  • i went with the dremel 3d45 and im glad i did it has RFID tag filament you can buy right from amazon and the profiles are pre leaded for their own filament as well it has Ethernet as well as WiFi and a camera it can run a cura witch is what i use at home for a home printer i would get something else but for work this thing just works not meany failed prints and there eco abs ( hitemp pla) is so nice to work with.