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Silent Install Success

Anyone have/having any luck with a silent install from the command line? A couple things seem to not work well;
  1. Even though I have a later version of the C++ Redistributable 2012 installed, it installs an earlier version regardless.
  2. it won't install. It gets to "Verify Launch Configuration" then exits out.
  3. After that, it starts up the updater, and wants me to download the latest PC-DMIS (which I'm using to install) and install it manually.
  4. Support has not been much help other than pointing me to articles that I've already referred to...
Here is my command line;

START /WAIT "" "K:\CNC\Pcdmis2022.1_17.1.260.0_X64.exe" -passive -norestart INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS" INSTALLPDFCONVERTER=0 INSTALLOFFLINEHELP=0 LMSLICENSESERVERS="<server name>"

I've tried the servername and IP address, also leaving out the "start /wait" and including it, and -passive and -q result in the same non-install behavior. I need to roll these out to a lab of lots of computers, and sure would be nice to get this working.