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Quindos Unix program translation


I'm switching over to Windows based Quindos shortly and am wondering if there is a Unix translator for all my old programs (since 2000-2001) ?? I loved the stability of programming within Unix and this Windows move is not my call. Are the commands still the same within Quindos between the two operating systems?

Thanks in advance!!

Joe Mackiewicz
Chrysler LLC
Detroit, MI
  • Unix to Windows

    Was given this info. Please feel free to add your thoughts if you've had to do this. Thanks Pete Edge and company from Hexagon for the below answer.

    Q6 is a more straightforward upgrade than Q7 (both can reside in the XP world)

    It is not a translation, it’s an ASCII export.

    The fastest way is to FTP them from the Unix box to the Windows box. This can be done easily if the both CPUs are on the same network or by hooking them together with a cross over network cable and using FTP software. Check with your local IT people. The Unix command DOSCOPY could also be used (depending on how many files you have) it’s just considerably slower. Again consult your local IT people for the best method. Once the programs are in the Windows world, they will open up directly into Q6 or Q7. The code is the same. The issue is that the programs may execute or be supported differently, depends on how each program was written.

    The measurement portions should work OK or we’ll attempt to fix them.

    1. Any operating system commands will not work. This includes hard coding paths instead of using logical names. (File naming conventions of more than 8 characters will be a problem, you may have to rename them until you get them into the XP world, then you can switch them back to the original names.)
    2. Custom report headers will not work, need to be recreated
    3. Any ascii menus may or may not work and probably will look strange.
    4. Graphical menus may have a scaling issue.
    5. Probe calibration programs may have some issues.
    6. Probe racks need to be re-learned
    7. Some odd and ends commands may need slight modification.

    C'mon Giant Robot!