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Quindos V6 GEAR

Hello All:

I am looking to see if there is a later version of the Quindos "GEAR" Command Manual. I am currently using the Gearhx manual (1st ed 1992) which lacks information on how to print objects from the "GEAR" Command. I am particularly interested in printing the special measurements.


  • There are later versions of the manual. You are running Q6 right? Can you please clarify what you mean by 'print objects from the GEAR command'? Are you trying to measure them? Have you measured them already and cannot see your results? Steve W. or myself might be able to help you as well as get you the manuals that you are looking for.
  • Quindos Gear Manual

    I have an updated Quindos Gear Manual (for the command GEAR) for Quindos7. Please contact me (steven.wojciechowski@hexagonmetrology.com) and I can e-mail it to you. Since it is for Quindos7, the screens captures and layout differs from the older Quindos6 GEAR command. However, the explanations and ideas are the same and can be applied. I too am unclear as to what exactly you want to 'print out'? Please contact us to clarify further.