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Hallo an alle!
Ich muss den Ø eines Kegelstumpfes auswerten.
Ich habe dass mit "CutConePla" gemacht. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das Feld "Vorgegeben Höhe" automatisch zu befüllen (mit einem Element das ich vorher gemessen habe)

Danke im Voraus für Antworten

fg Christian
  • I am translating your words from German into English so please forgive me if something gets lost in translation..

    I do not have access to Quindos right now because I am am at home for the week due to Covid-19.

    You should be able to look at the Quindos help files for "Field Descriptor" and it should give you a list of commands that are valid for you to use.
  • I am translating your words from German into English so please forgive me if something gets lost in translation..

    I do not have access to Quindos right now because I am am at home for the week due to Covid-19.

    You should be able to look at the Quindos help files for "Field Descriptor" and it should give you a list of commands that are valid for you to use.