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The top of the part is datum A, the center of 2 bores are datum B and C with a True position of 0.2(M) | A | B(M) | C(M) | with tolerances on the diameter of the bore (+.016/-0) and the counterbore (+0.22,-0)
The POSITN command puts a very high value when evaluated, and I'm not sure where I should be putting all the tolerances.
The top of the part is datum A, the center of 2 bores are datum B and C with a True position of 0.2(M) | A | B(M) | C(M) | with tolerances on the diameter of the bore (+.016/-0) and the counterbore (+0.22,-0)
The POSITN command puts a very high value when evaluated, and I'm not sure where I should be putting all the tolerances.
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