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Any weird/crazy co-workers in your company

Ping-pong is what the guys play during breaks, and its very fun to watch.

That is until someone doesn't like something or starts to lose, and he starts cursing and throws a tantrum (Throwing or kicking things).

Anyone else have someone like that at work. I was just wondering.
  • A guy arrives here at work to apply for a job. Gives his name, address, phone, social security #. Leaves and goes out into our parking lot, sits in someone's Explorer for a bit then gets out and STEALS one of our Engineer's car. The Engineer was going out to roll up his window when he saw his car driving away. Oh, the car the guy arrived in was stolen too. I am amazed. They found four different IDs in the car he left behind. The Engineer said he never locks his car and leaves his keys in the console. They caught the guy. Don't know who is the bigger idiot.
  • A guy arrives here at work to apply for a job. Gives his name, address, phone, social security #. Leaves and goes out into our parking lot, sits in someone's Explorer for a bit then gets out and STEALS one of our Engineer's car. The Engineer was going out to roll up his window when he saw his car driving away. Oh, the car the guy arrived in was stolen too. I am amazed. They found four different IDs in the car he left behind. The Engineer said he never locks his car and leaves his keys in the console. They caught the guy. Don't know who is the bigger idiot.