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Pas cmm

Hi all I was wondering if anybody out there has had any dealings with PAS Cmm

we have had somebody come into the firm to demonstrate it (I was not there at the time but somebody else took my place)\

it seems ok but I am a little concerned about the amount of support for it

in the UK it seems to be fairly expensive for the amount of benefits it gives compared to PC-Dmis

we also use a lot of custom scripts which it also doesn't support and would have to be edited in using PC-Dmis

they are trying to sell it to us for a month and they say that they can train people in four weeks to use it !

sorry if I sound a little sceptical (a dinosaur with over 20 years experience).

I am currently using 2016 MR4 and have asked hexagon to send in an apps engineer to asses my programming to see if I can do things quicker

personally I do not believe it

I would prefer for that amount of money to be spent on a renishaw sp25 scanning probe as this would speed up my programming by not taking single points to do constructions and scanning the surfaces instead I also hope we might see some speed increases on the cmm as some features are large bores approx. 1100mm diameter 72pt construction with 3mm prehit/retract compared to scanning has anybody seen this or is it just wish full thinking
  • Tim,
    It is very important that your mgmt trust your professional and factual assessment of the situation, because the dazzle-show that the salespeople from that software will gloss over all that.

    They should be involving you with these decisions. If they are dazzled by the show and don't listen to the facts you are going to get stuck with that software and your performance will plummet.

    You are correct that your machine performance would be greatly increased by upgrading to scanning probes, but you have to do the homework to present solid numbers to mgmt to show ROI (return on investment).

    Also, I moved your thread (it's a topic that's not about PC-DMIS) and edited your post to make it easier to read.

  • Josh my apologies would you recommend using Hexagon or Renishaw for the speed trials we are looking at sp25 as we currently use tp20 probing systems (Least messing about with existing programs).
    Do you recommend any specialist training for faster programming methods in the new versions of the software I don't think we are behind with programming as everything is programmed offline using Unigraphics DCI (anything from complex aerospace fabricated seal assemblies to engine ducts) but I fear I may be stuck in my ways after years of doing it the same way.
    Regards Tim.
  • Hi Tim,

    What probe head do you currently have? From memory you've an articulating wrist (CW43 or something?) First things first you need to check which (if any) scanning probes work with it.

    Also it's all well and good to look at how productive you might be with a different software, but there's a massive learning curve with that - you've years and years of Pc-Dmis experience, how quickly do you think you'd be able to get up to the same speed with a different software?
  • Have used it. Had a big battle with the head of engineering over this. He was pushing this and went behind my back and had them to purchase this for around $25,000.00.It was a total waste.It puts out a pure dmis code which I was the only that understood it.you can not use auto features,everything is learned features and there was a problem with star probes and many other things.This was 3 years ago and was one of the reasons after 13 years I left were i was at.
  • Hi NinjaBadger the probe head we currently use is a PH10mq with a tp20 sensor hence the requirement for sp25 as I can still use tp20 so it should be ok with existing programs. As for the different software I am still unsure he has been in again today and reckons I will be up and running within a few hours and this will be the miracle cure to all my problems as with others on this forum we have heard this time and time again but he is a pure salesman and with most management he will talk the talk to get round them it does not matter about the guy that deals with everything cmm related on a day to day basis so I know what you mean dmis 100 the program he has created through Pas Cmm I opened up in pc-dmis it was all points and not auto features so how this is going to help I am unsure of but I am sure my management know what they are doing ?

  • I would prefer for that amount of money to be spent on a renishaw sp25 scanning probe as this would speed up my programming by not taking single points to do constructions and scanning the surfaces instead I also hope we might see some speed increases on the cmm as some features are large bores approx. 1100mm diameter 72pt construction with 3mm prehit/retract compared to scanning has anybody seen this or is it just wish full thinking

    We have upgraded recently to the SP25 and it depends on what your product mix is. We utilize the TTP adapter for some programs, but where the SP25 shines is you can really ramp up your data density without trading off speed. There are sometimes that the TP20 is faster for us, other times when we are looking at tight tolerances where the SP25 really fits well. It isn't a one size fits all answer.

    Where are your bottlenecks? Initial part programming? Actual inspection time? Combination of both? How exactly would a different software address these issues? Maybe bringing in the Hex app engineers might help.

    The sales person's job is to sell product, so of course they are saying that their product will address your issues better. Maybe, just maybe 25K spent elsewise would be a better investment (probe rack, fixturing, etc).

    My .02, which according to the stock market is worth even less...
  • My aim is to use the sp25 to do scans that we currently do with TTP also large diameters (600mm or larger) as I see this as the biggest gains there will be a lot of features that we will still measure using tp20 a lot of it will be suck it and see as we go if we see a benefit then we will use it the machines are being used almost 24/7 so a few minuets savings on a 30-40mins program run is a win.
    The problem with the so called backlog with Cmm programming was not an issue as we have an offline station the problem came to light when one of our cmm guys with over 18 years experience left leaving me to cover production not programming but they have to blame somebody and be shown to be doing something
  • Clay you say its a great program for putting hits on parts what's it like for all other aspects reporting, alignments, construction and custom scripts etc., etc. if its only any good for putting hits on parts its not doing a full job and sounds like still having to do a lot of editing in pc-dmis, I have also heard it being said there is a complete lack of support for this product which is not good at all.