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Rumor has it

That Hexagon is looking to sell the metrology part of the buisiness.
  • Talking about rumors, Did you see Illinois has stopped selling powerball tickets, and Friday they're gonna stop selling MegaMillions. All in all this state is so screwed up, they couldn't afford to pay a winner is what it boils down to. Yet property taxes alone, average $8000 to $10000 a year. Higher class can go $15000-$25000 a year, and the state is broke?, Really? I have got to get the F out of this state.
  • Don't get me started on IL politics. We'd need a whole other forum for that. :| The capitol building was put on lockdown today after somebody poured a mysterious white substance on the lawn out front. Folks are right on the verge of snapping. This state is a bad joke with no punchline.
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