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Spline Gages ???? What?

Good Morning ladies and gents,

For those of you who have ordered Go/Nogo gages for splines... how do you confirm they are made correctly? Do you all have any information you can pass along to help me understand how to compare customer print with gage maker go/nogo print? I don't know a whole lot about spline gages or splines in general and would like to understand them a little better. I attached the part print for the spline of the part. Now how would i take this and determine the sizes/specs of a Involute spline go and nogo gage.ConfusedConfusedConfused

Thanks in advance


  • Washing machine? f*ck it then send it if they're close enough

    they're designed to break every 4 years now anyways might as well do your part & help the economy create throw away appliances =)

    The craziest part.... the spec for the spline is 90% for installation on the line and 10% for functionality. The problem we have right now is "its too hard to put on"

  • Washing machine? f*ck it then send it if they're close enough

    they're designed to break every 4 years now anyways might as well do your part & help the economy create throw away appliances =)

    The craziest part.... the spec for the spline is 90% for installation on the line and 10% for functionality. The problem we have right now is "its too hard to put on"