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School shooting

Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.
  • Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.

    You're sliding down a slippery slope. Gun control is the main discussion, but nobody is asking about why it's happening. You fix the mental issues, you fix this issue. When you start digging into our government corruption and how they exploit mentally ill people for their benefits, you can understand a lot! With most of these school shootings recently, there are major holes... especially the police allowing the shooter to run rampant in the school without engaging him. Parents were literally screaming for the officers to stop him but they absolutely nothing, waiting for federal agents.

    Name one thing that government values, that it doesn't protect with guns.
    And no, you and your children clearly don't make that list.

  • Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.

    Our 2nd Amendment protects the whole world's remaining freedom.

    Our 2nd Amendment prevents other countries or our own government from attacking the American population.

    The fact that the American people can maintain our own freedom thanks to the 2nd Amendment allows us to prop up and protect all the other countries in the world that desire freedom.

    If our 2nd Amendment goes away, all freedom in the entire world will go away.

    The problem lies with mental health, the matriarchy, social media, and people like you who have a simplistic and emotional view of the world.
  • if the little freak wanted to kill kids, he didn't need a gun, that was just the method SUGGESTED / FORCED / SHOWN HIM by the MSM. He had a truck. All he had to do was either:
    (1) Wait until recess (do kids still go outside for recess?)
    (2) Wait until school let out and drive along the sidewalk and take out a lot more
    Unfortunately the MSM and the anti-gun people keep forcing the 'shoot 'em up' image into the kids heads and they think that since it is 'so common' that they take that option.
    Many report out there about him and his 'issues', ranging from self-cutting to shooting people with a BB gun, and the entire nanny-state either ignored this or he was 'protected' from the nanny state by friends & family, who by their actions, should be held just as culpable as this kid.

  • The irony in this thread.

    Mental health issues indeed.
  • This is just my mind rambling on this but as I see videos surfacing this morning showing police officers waiting outside the school while this monster is killing kids. Where are their orders coming from? I personally do not believe the officers to be cowards but knowing what MAY happen in that school I think I would have taken my chances and made an attempt to breach the door one way or another. I'd rather be fired than know children died because of inaction on my part.

    This same scenario played out in Florida. Police officers were told to stand down until others arrived.

    Where are these people getting their orders?
  • People don't realize that the 2nd amendment protects all the others. Once it is gone our government will have the ability to strip away everything we have.
  • someone deleted one of my posts in this thread....
  • I deleted that post Matt, as indicated. Politics in itself has always proven to be a tricky issue here, and we can expect gun control is no less tricky, but that statement you made is really not worthy of being part of even a gun control debate. I personally am pro 2nd amendment, and free speech, but that was over the line.
  • Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.

    Tragedies at schools continue to happen because politicians keep attempting to limit our constitutional rights as opposed to addressing the root causes of violence in this country.

    If you're on a CMM Programming forum, that means you posses critical thinking skills. Use those skills, vote accordingly, stay away from my rights, or move to a country that has rights that are more in line with the way you want to live. If you aren't from here, stfu and allow us to mourn.
  • Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.

    The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed. That is a very clear statement.

    There are ONLY gun laws on the books because we have been systematically de-educated over the past 100 years which allows the government to erode our rights as they see fit. Our founding fathers would be appalled at how unintelligent/unchallenging we are to our government when they CONTINUALL do nothing to address root causes of problems.