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School shooting

Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.

  • "Tragedies at schools continue to happen because politicians keep attempting to limit our constitutional rights"

    Please use your critical thinking skills to expand on this.

    "as opposed to addressing the root causes of violence in this country."

    Which are?

    "stay away from my rights"

    Your 2A rights > The right of young kids to go to school safely?

    "If you aren't from here, stfu"

    No. (1A)

  • "Tragedies at schools continue to happen because politicians keep attempting to limit our constitutional rights"

    Please use your critical thinking skills to expand on this.

    "as opposed to addressing the root causes of violence in this country."

    Which are?

    "stay away from my rights"

    Your 2A rights > The right of young kids to go to school safely?

    "If you aren't from here, stfu"

    No. (1A)

    I refuse to engage with someone who is from a country that we defeated in two wars and then saved in two world wars...when it comes to constitutional rights. You wouldn't understand nor do you deserve to. We earned this after we told you & your Queen what to do with your little laws.

    We have numerous laws on the books, most of which aren't enforced, all of which are unconstitutional. The police literally stood outside & didn't engage the shooter for almost an hour. The shooter had numerous red flags that should have been caught.

    The government protects everything it values with firearms. Me and my children are not on that list. Peculiar, isn't it?

    Yes. If you are from a country with inferior rights, mind your own business. Have some tea and crumpets. You have a problem dude? Let me know/

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
  • they have banned the right to possess a firearm on school property.
    root cause, people that have never been taught respect for others
    participation trophy. losing happens, little kids don't get taught this, then when they lose later in life (teens) they go ballistic as they KNOW from previous experience that 'they always win and everyone is a winner'
    2A rights, if not infringed upon, would PROTECT those kids. I know, I remember when guns WERE allowed in schools (I took my shotgun to Jr. High, legally!). Of course, it wouldn't help in the liberal-liberal districts as THOSE are the people against gun.

    (1A) doesn't apply to the UK, it is an AMERICAN right. Didn't the UK in the not-so distant past crack down on freedom of speech?

  • This is an important topic to many people, I understand that, but please try to keep it civil. It is a sensitive topic to just as many people.
  • It would be great if people who aren't from this country would keep their uneducated opinions to themselves and allow the people this actually effect to mourn.

    They can rest assured that because of our rights in this country, if they need help YET AGAIN, Dad will be there to bail them out.
  • If you think a gun law will protect us from insane maniacs, why didn't the fact that murder is illegal stop the shooter?

    Utopia, meet Reality.

    Emotion, meet Logic.
  • When 9/11 happened. What was the governments response...... more guns more security.
    When presidents were assassinated. what was the governments response..... more guns more security.
    When banks are robbed what is the response..... more guns more security.

    When horrific tragedies happen in schools. whats the governments response...... take away guns from EVERYONE?

  • The right to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed. That is a very clear statement.

    There are ONLY gun laws on the books because we have been systematically de-educated over the past 100 years which allows the government to erode our rights as they see fit. Our founding fathers would be appalled at how unintelligent/unchallenging we are to our government when they CONTINUALL do nothing to address root causes of problems.

    Without the 2nd amendment the rest will fall too
  • Absolutely, they cannot control us as long as we are armed
  • I have the utmost respect for our police, most of the time. There are good cops and bad cops and cops that don't give a **** about our safety and the courts have stated they are responsible for our safety but when you evidence stacking up on 2 school shooting about the police letting children die because of inaction it is time for them rethink their jobs.

    I do not think I'd ever let kids die knowing that I could have done something to stop it or save others
