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School shooting

Any one care to share there thoughts about recent events are you happy more of our kids have been killed because you will not accept limiting access to guns and I do not mean banning just some proper checks on the persons suitability to own one.
  • Honestly its not even about control. Its just about simple logic. Laws only stop people who obey laws.

    The lefts says "Gun control will prevent shootings" and that is enough for them to believe it.
    Then they go on to say "if you make abortions illegal then there will just be more un-safe abortions."

    So thinking logically they can draw conclusions about people not following the law. but they fail to see the hypocrisy when it doesn't align with their agenda.

    The main contributor causing these heinous acts is mental illness.

    Here is a easy to understand analogy. Box cutters. They used to have razorblades that did not retract. Now its difficult to find ones that don't retract the blade. So as a response to people harming themselves with the protruding blade they added a new safety measure. They did not remove the blade.

    Why not take the X billion dollars we hand out as foreign aid and invest that into the school systems. Station a psychiatrist at each and every school. Have regular interaction with the students. Identify mental illness. Treat that illness. Follow up. Repeat.
  • I would just like to remind you of two or three things:
    • most white americans (north, central or south) come from europe.
    • in 1941, it was germany and italy that declared war on the united states, not the other way around
    • in my opinion, none of us was born 80 years ago, and none of us is responsible for what was decided at the time, and we have nothing to be proud or ashamed of what our ancestors did... there are Germans, Italians and maybe Japanese here (oh no, more on Mitu...o.com Wink)
    • the forum is global, so everyone should be able to give their point of view without being insulted in return
    • let's talk about metrology and leave the rest elsewhere
  • Maybe this thread is better left to disappear to the depths of the forum where it belongs...
    I mourn for the families and the losses that they have to live with for the rest of their lives. It is just awful what they are going through.

    But I just want to say that the mental health issues in this country (and the world) need to be addressed.
    At the end of the day, evil is evil, whether it is a truck attack in Nice, or a shooting in Uvalde.

    In the US we have a mental health issue being masked as a gun issue, I have guns and have never been tempted to harm anyone.
    Also, there are very few laws that aren't already in place that would prevent a tragedy like this.
    I am open to suggestions on laws that would prevent this and also I am open to tweaks in the system as long as they are logical and data driven.

    The idea of taking all the guns away is a hot and fast answer, but at the end of the day it just isn't going to happen.
    So it is time to focus on the real issues, like mental health.

    Also, we are all just humans on this forum and none of us have all the answers or all the same opinions.. lets be kind to one another.
  • Maybe this thread is better left to disappear to the depths of the forum where it belongs...
    I mourn for the families and the losses that they have to live with for the rest of their lives. It is just awful what they are going through.

    But I just want to say that the mental health issues in this country (and the world) need to be addressed.
    At the end of the day, evil is evil, whether it is a truck attack in Nice, or a shooting in Uvalde.

    In the US we have a mental health issue being masked as a gun issue, I have guns and have never been tempted to harm anyone.
    Also, there are very few laws that aren't already in place that would prevent a tragedy like this.
    I am open to suggestions on laws that would prevent this and also I am open to tweaks in the system as long as they are logical and data driven.

    The idea of taking all the guns away is a hot and fast answer, but at the end of the day it just isn't going to happen.
    So it is time to focus on the real issues, like mental health.

    Also, we are all just humans on this forum and none of us have all the answers or all the same opinions.. lets be kind to one another.

    I wonder how much mental health issues stem from the pharmaceutical companies. I know drugs can do a lot of good, but I wonder what drugs do to development during pregnancy and how vaccines affect infants and children, etc. Then add on broken families and absent parents. It is a vicious cycle with so many variables, we are in utter chaos mode right now. The USA spends (and probably pushes) more pharmaceuticals than any other country. Let's start there.
  • When pharma companies started being able to market to the end consumer it screwed everything up really bad.
  • I've always been for common sense gun laws. Not "Common Sense Gun Laws" but actual common sense laws. You shouldn't be using a gun while intoxicated. If you have mental issues, you shouldn't be able to buy/own a gun, especially if they are violent issues. If you committed a violent crime (murder, assault, armed robbery, etc) you lose your right to own a gun. Training courses for concealed carry should be mandatory. I would be for a gun registry and red flag laws.... if they could guarantee they would not be for mass confiscations.

    We have a mental health problem and a lack of enforcement of the current laws. Cities with this no bail policy are just sending criminals with gun charges back out on the streets. The kid in Uvalde was literally admitted to a hospital for homicidal and suicidal tendencies. If the current laws are not being enforced, what good are more laws. Everyone just need to sit down, with an open mind, and talk about EVERYTHING there is to discuss and come up with a way to address all the issues without just taking everything away from everyone. Unfortunately, in the current hyper polarized state this country is in, nothing is going to change and the cycle of mass shootings followed by thoughts and prayers will continue.
  • To murda or not to murda... in the womb or in a classroom. This world is wicked and evil! Pick a side folks and get back to swiping left.

    EDIT: I had to misspell mu..rde..r as murda
  • All jokes aside..

    America does have its issues.

    -They shut down the mental hospitals allowing all of that craziness on the streets
    - They rampantly over medicate the population
    -They push nothing but non stop "gangbang this/f*ck your mother that" on tv/movies/radio
    -God has been removed from every aspect of our public lives
    -The news pushes nothing but negativity

    There is a MASSIVE list of things that could be worked on that would actually address the issues in this country but instead the politicians (while being protected by guns) along with their followers (who have been systematically de-educated over the past 40 years..so they don't understand...yet are actually well intentioned...) ALWAYS immediately jump to the knee jerk reaction of "gun control". The politicians aren't dumb people, they went to the best schools this country has to offer, their complete disregard for actually trying to solve these issues is because the population is dumb enough to tolerate it.

    Little by little, piece by piece, bit by bit...they will use the school shooting situations they created (direct by product of failed social policies) as an excuse to erode our constitutional rights.
  • All jokes aside..

    America does have its issues.

    -They shut down the mental hospitals allowing all of that craziness on the streets
    - They rampantly over medicate the population
    -They push nothing but non stop "gangbang this/f*ck your mother that" on tv/movies/radio
    -God has been removed from every aspect of our public lives
    -The news pushes nothing but negativity

    There is a MASSIVE list of things that could be worked on that would actually address the issues in this country but instead the politicians (while being protected by guns) along with their followers (who have been systematically de-educated over the past 40 years..so they don't understand...yet are actually well intentioned...) ALWAYS immediately jump to the knee jerk reaction of "gun control". The politicians aren't dumb people, they went to the best schools this country has to offer, their complete disregard for actually trying to solve these issues is because the population is dumb enough to tolerate it.

    Little by little, piece by piece, bit by bit...they will use the school shooting situations they created (direct by product of failed social policies) as an excuse to erode our constitutional rights.

    I don't know about politicians not being dumb. President Brandon barely graduated, has been wrong on every foreign policy decision for almost 50 years, and even Obama talked about having to send him out of the room because he was so dumb. Don't even get me started on Louie Gohmert and AOC. The only reason they speak is because they cannot hold in the stupid anymore. There was even a congressman that asked a Navy admiral if there was need for concern over the island of Guam flipping over because of too much weight on one side of the island.

    During the pandemic, when there was nothing to watch on TV, I started watching CSPAN and congressional committee hearings. It was surprising how dumb or just uneducated some of them are on the topics they are supposed to be overseeing.