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Another Excel Script Problem

Hey, guys. Trying to make an excel script to output the dimensions that appear on the report. We have several that are not shown on the report that are used in the code for logic purposes.

Problem in code is where the xlsht.Range("D" + Count) = Nominal
code starts. No matter what I put after the equal sign, I get an OLE error.

The other "xlsht.Range" commands in the code work fine.


xlsht.Range("D" + Count) = Nominal

Sub Main

'Excel Declarations
       Dim xlApp As Object
       Dim xlwrkbks As Object
       Dim xlwrkbk As Object
       Dim xlsht As Object
       Dim Count As Integer

       'PC-DMIS declarations 
       Dim PCDApp As Object
       Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
       Dim Part As Object
       Set Part = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
       Dim Cmds As Object
       Set Cmds = Part.Commands
       Dim Cmd As Object
       Dim DCmd As Object
       Dim CCmd As Object
       Dim DCmdID As String

        'Variables From Part Program
        Dim VREV As Object

        Set VREV = Part.GetVariableValue("VREV")
        Set VPART = Part.GetVariableValue("VPART")
        Set VDESCRIPTION = Part.GetVariableValue("VDESCRIPTION")
        Set VSERIALNUMBER = Part.GetVariableValue("VSERIALNUMBER")
        Set VPROGRAMID = Part.GetVariableValue("VPROGRAMID")
        Set VDATE = Part.GetVariableValue("VDATE")
        Set VTIME = Part.GetVariableValue("VTIME")
        Set VCMMOPERATOR = Part.GetVariableValue("VCMMOPERATOR")
        Set VLOCALCSV = Part.GetVariableValue("VLOCALCSV")

        'Open Excel And Template File
        Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        Set xlwrkbks = xlApp.Workbooks
        Set xlsht = xlwrkbk.Worksheets("TEMPLATE")

        xlsht.Range("A2").Value = "GE Aviation Batesville Composites Operation"
        xlsht.Range("A3").Value = "Part # :"
        xlsht.Range("A4").Value = "Date :"
        xlsht.Range("A5").Value = "Description :"
        xlsht.Range("A6").Value = "Serial # :"
        xlsht.Range("A7").Value = "Operator :"
        xlsht.Range("A8").Value = "Rev:"

        xlsht.Range("C3").Value = VPART.StringValue
        xlsht.Range("C4").Value = VDATE.StringValue
        xlsht.Range("C5").Value = VDESCRIPTION.StringValue
        xlsht.Range("C6").Value = VSERIALNUMBER.StringValue
        xlsht.Range("C7").Value = VCMMOPERATOR.StringValue
        xlsht.Range("C8").Value = VREV.StringValue

        xlsht.Range("A11").Value = "Dimension Name"
        xlsht.Range("D11").Value = "Nominal"
        xlsht.Range("E11").Value = "+TOL"
        xlsht.Range("F11").Value = "-TOL"
        xlsht.Range("G11").Value = "Measured"
        xlsht.Range("H11").Value = "MAX"
        xlsht.Range("I11").Value = "MIN"
        xlsht.Range("J11").Value = "Deviation"
        xlsht.Range("K11").Value = "OOT"
        xlsht.Range("L11").Value = "Bonus Tol"

        Count = Count + 1

       For Each Cmd In Cmds

            If Cmd.IsDimension Then

                Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                Set DCmdID = DCmd.ID

                If Not DCmd.OutputMode = "None" Then

                   xlsht.Range("D" + Count) = Nominal

                End If
            End If

        Next Cmd

        xlApp.Visible = True

End Sub
  • MS example of range. Are you using it correctly?

    Dim range1 As Excel.Range = vstoWorksheet.Range("C8")
    vstoWorksheet.Range("A6", range1).Value2 = "Range 3"

    maybe it should be:
    xlsht.Range("D", Count) = Nominal
  • xlsht.Range("A", Count) = DCmdID

    Says object does not have a default value.

    The below works great.

    xlsht.Range("A2").Value = "GE Aviation Batesville Composites Operation"
            xlsht.Range("A3").Value = "Part # :"
            xlsht.Range("A4").Value = "Date :"
            xlsht.Range("A5").Value = "Description :"
            xlsht.Range("A6").Value = "Serial # :"
            xlsht.Range("A7").Value = "Operator :"
            xlsht.Range("A8").Value = "Rev:"
            xlsht.Range("C3").Value = VPART.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C4").Value = VDATE.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C5").Value = VDESCRIPTION.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C6").Value = VSERIALNUMBER.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C7").Value = VCMMOPERATOR.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C8").Value = VREV.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("A11").Value = "Dimension Name"
            xlsht.Range("D11").Value = "Nominal"
            xlsht.Range("E11").Value = "+TOL"
            xlsht.Range("F11").Value = "-TOL"
            xlsht.Range("G11").Value = "Measured"
            xlsht.Range("H11").Value = "MAX"
            xlsht.Range("I11").Value = "MIN"
            xlsht.Range("J11").Value = "Deviation"
            xlsht.Range("K11").Value = "OOT"
            xlsht.Range("L11").Value = "Bonus Tol"

  • xlsht.Range("D" + Count) = Nominal

    xlsht.Range("D" & Count) = Nominal

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  • For Each Cmd In Cmds
                If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                    Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                    Set DCmdID = DCmd.ID
                    FeatureList(Fcntr) = DCmd.ID 
                    Fcntr = Fcntr + 1
                   ' If Not DCmd.OutputMode = "None" Then
                          xlsht.Range("D" & Count).Value = Nominal
                   ' End If
                End If
            Next Cmd

    No errors but the spreadsheet is blank..

  • Try:
    xlsht.Range("D" & Count) = dcmd.Nominal

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  • Thanks DJ. It's only outputting 1 dimension so I assume it's not looping the way it should.

    The Bonus Tolerance call is telling me unknown name (Not sure of the syntax for Bonus Tolerance)

    And the A column for the dimension name won't put the name in.

    Here's a screenshot of what it's outputting:

    Sub Main
    'Excel Declarations
           Dim xlApp As Object
           Dim xlwrkbks As Object
           Dim xlwrkbk As Object
           Dim xlsht As Object
           Dim Count As Integer
           'PC-DMIS declarations 
           Dim PCDApp As Object
           Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
           Dim Part As Object
           Set Part = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
           Dim Cmds As Object
           Set Cmds = Part.Commands
           Dim Cmd As Object
           Dim DCmd As Object
           Dim CCmd As Object
           Dim DCmdID As String
            'Variables From Part Program
            Dim VREV As Object
            Set VREV = Part.GetVariableValue("VREV")
            Set VPART = Part.GetVariableValue("VPART")
            Set VDESCRIPTION = Part.GetVariableValue("VDESCRIPTION")
            Set VSERIALNUMBER = Part.GetVariableValue("VSERIALNUMBER")
            Set VPROGRAMID = Part.GetVariableValue("VPROGRAMID")
            Set VDATE = Part.GetVariableValue("VDATE")
            Set VTIME = Part.GetVariableValue("VTIME")
            Set VCMMOPERATOR = Part.GetVariableValue("VCMMOPERATOR")
            Set VLOCALCSV = Part.GetVariableValue("VLOCALCSV")
            'Open Excel And Template File
            Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            Set xlwrkbks = xlApp.Workbooks
            Set xlwrkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("D:\CMM_PROGRAMS\PC-DMIS_SUPPORT_FILES\EXCEL_FILES\TEMPLATE.CSV")
            Set xlsht = xlwrkbk.Worksheets("TEMPLATE")
            xlsht.Range("A2").Value = "GE Aviation Batesville Composites Operation"
            xlsht.Range("A3").Value = "Part # :"
            xlsht.Range("A4").Value = "Date :"
            xlsht.Range("A5").Value = "Description :"
            xlsht.Range("A6").Value = "Serial # :"
            xlsht.Range("A7").Value = "Operator :"
            xlsht.Range("A8").Value = "Rev:"
            xlsht.Range("C3").Value = VPART.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C4").Value = VDATE.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C5").Value = VDESCRIPTION.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C6").Value = VSERIALNUMBER.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C7").Value = VCMMOPERATOR.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("C8").Value = VREV.StringValue
            xlsht.Range("A11").Value = "Dimension Name"
            xlsht.Range("D11").Value = "Nominal"
            xlsht.Range("E11").Value = "+TOL"
            xlsht.Range("F11").Value = "-TOL"
            xlsht.Range("G11").Value = "Measured"
            xlsht.Range("H11").Value = "MAX"
            xlsht.Range("I11").Value = "MIN"
            xlsht.Range("J11").Value = "Deviation"
            xlsht.Range("K11").Value = "OOT"
            xlsht.Range("L11").Value = "Bonus Tol"
            Count = Count + 13
           For Each Cmd In Cmds
                If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                    Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                    Set DCmdID = DCmd.ID
                    FeatureList(Fcntr) = DCmd.ID 
                    Fcntr = Fcntr + 1
                   ' If Not DCmd.OutputMode = "None" Then
                          xlsht.Range("A" & Count).Value = DCmd.ID
                          xlsht.Range("D" & Count).Value = DCmd.Nominal
                          xlsht.Range("E" & Count).Value = DCmd.Plus
                          xlsht.Range("F" & Count).Value = DCmd.Minus
                          xlsht.Range("G" & Count).Value = DCmd.Measured
                          xlsht.Range("H" & Count).Value = DCmd.Max
                          xlsht.Range("I" & Count).Value = DCmd.Min
                          xlsht.Range("J" & Count).Value = DCmd.Deviation
                          xlsht.Range("K" & Count).Value = DCmd.OutTol
                          xlsht.Range("L" & Count).Value = DCmd.BonusTol
                   ' End If
                End If
            Next Cmd
            xlApp.Visible = True
    End Sub
  • I'm going to have to bail on you for the day - sorry.

    I will say that some dimensions need to ba handled differently than others - legacy position and location dimensions for example.

    Here is a link to a post by AndersI that explains the situation and has really clean code that outputs to a .csv file. It should be easy enough to adapt this to drop into Excel.

    Good luck!

  • a couple things:
    1) what is Nominal? Where is it declared & what is the value?
    2) not all dimensions will have an ID. You may have to check the type of dimension. Legacy Location contains:
    a) a start dimension (cmd.IsDimension = TRUE) - cmd.ID returns the ID.
    b) each axis within that dimension (cmd.IsDimension = TRUE), cmd.ID will return a blank
    c) end location (cmd.IsDimension = FALSE)
  • Find out what value the variable is with a MsgBox,

    msgbox = "DcmdId.Type", the message will be an integer. Look it up through the help menu (number value will indicate whether it is a double, string, etc)

    Then in your code assign that variable with the default value it is looking for

    xlsht.Range("A", Count) = DCmdID.Double or .String or whatever

    That's what that error message is looking for, the variable type method after the variable name.