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Add a tip-anlge in code


We have alot of angles for different probes defined. They are all calibrated once a day with a program that calls AUTOCALIBRATE/PROBE....ALL-TIPS-WITH-DEFAULTS... for every probe

It takes a while! :/

I'm looking for a way to minimize the number of defined tip-angles.

Is there a way in a program or vb-script to add a tip-angle and autocalibrate it for that perticular prg. And remove the angle at the end??

// Jocke
  • Same here, although we don't calibrate all probes every day.
    Instead, we calibrate the angles/probes used in the program, meaning that I load a program, select the probes/angles used in that particular program and just calibrate those. Sure, this might mean that you calibrate certain angles/probes more than others, but it saves a lot of time, instead of waiting for calibration of every single angle/probe used by us...

    Sounds like this is something you could utilize too.
  • Yes that would be great for us too but the thing is that it's not only me or us in the quality department using our measuring machines.

    We have alot of CNC-machines (mills, grinding, lathes) and the operators of those machines loads a program in PC-DMIS and runs it themself. They don't have the
    knowledge about how to calibrate probs and tips. They just run programs and get a result.

    That is why I want to do it in a script or something
  • So, you want to add an autocalibration for every program (all tips used in that program) that starts when executing the part program, instead of running one autocalibration for all tips used globally?
  • yes!

    I still want to calibrate certain angles every night because they are used so often. But seldom used angles I want to calibrate at the start of the program. The thing is that I don't want it in the angle-tip-list or tip-angle-grid.

    Well I suppose I can change the calibrationprogram.... hmmm
  • There are some possible issues with what I am seeing in this thread. The biggest issue is the controller. If you re-home the controller, then your cal-tool IS IN A NEW LOCATION, even if it is welded in place on the table because none of the machines I've ever seen will home to the exact same spot each time it homes.

    IF you have re-homed the machine, and then calibrate 'some' tips, they are no longer in relation to all the tips that you did NOT calibrate. This is not something that every one understands but shouuld.

    If a program uses multiple probes (with the use of a rack), it only compounds the issue.

    Marked sets are supposed to be a way around this, a marked set that calibrates the probes used in that program and a marked set that checks the part. Two icons for the operator to click on.
  • Yes you are right Matthew.. Our cal-tool is screwed in place and never removed but still ofcourse this have to be thought thru'. I thought I should tackle one problem at the time.
  • You can define multiple parameter sets for a probe. Why not define a parameter set for your common angles that is called in your overnight calibration program and then define a parameter set for each program specific combination and insert an autocalibration command referencing that set at the start of each program. You could also have another parameter set that has a sampling of both common and specific angles that runs in calibration verification mode so you can verify that everything is properly related. If the deviations from the verification exceed a certain value then use flow control to display an error message and instruct the operator to run the full calibration.

    It starts to get a bit complicated but between parameter sets, subroutines, marked sets, and maybe a bit of scripting you should be able to accomplish everything you are looking for while controlling your risk of loosing the realtionship between angles.
  • Trying to calibrate tip angle on a 90 deg elbow probe at A-90B90...any ideas on hoe to do this ?