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How do you create an Input Comment with multiple inputs?

I previously created a custom header on the output report by adding additional information to the existing file, FILE_HEADER.LBL. In order to fill the header with relavent information, I have 11 comments (type Input) at the beggining of each program which the operator must fill in to generate the header to the report. The operators have expressed that the multiple pop-ups in a row are slow and frustrating, so I'm wondering if there is a way to create a pop-up with multiple Input slots. I'm looking for something similiar to the new Part Program Dialog Box--in which the operator can put in all 11 pieces of information at the same time. The New Part Program Dialog box allows for three inputs (1. Part name 2. Revision number 3. Serial number) those inputs are not beneficial to me, but I would like something similar that I could edit the names of the inputs and the number of inputs fields that the operator would see.

Hopefully this makes sense. I appreciate any information any of you might have.
  • You can create your dialog in the "dialog designer" when scripting, or maybe create a form to use as input.
  • I appreciate the quick response, but I am not very good at coding. I do not know what the "dialog designer" is, or how to use it. I know it may be a little tedious, but any addition information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
  • This is the script I use for operator input at the beginning of a program. Adjust to suit your needs.

    Attached Files
  • how can I download your script? Please show me. Thank you.
  • Thank you for the document. I tried to open the program in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express, but the program you sent me will not run. I know that excel can also do a few micosoft basic files. What program do you run your program in? Thanks again for your help.
  • I am unable to download this script. Clicking on it takes me to a page that tells me I am either not logged in or do not have permission to edit someone else's post. What am I doing wrong?
  • Hi, I posted this in another thread, this example shows how to use drop down lists for fixed inputs.

    You can also add a textbox (editbox) control for variable inputs such as serial number etc I've shoe-horned it in to the example below but not checked the code, you should get the idea however.

    To do it with a form...

    1) File>Reporting>New>Form Report

    2) Place a Combo box from the Object Bar onto the form (if the object bar isn't visible press F2)

    3) Right click on the combo box to bring up the Properties window

    4) Expand the 'Advanced' section and change its name (ObjectCode) property to something meaningful (PalletNum)

    5) Click the ListItems property

    6) 'Add' an item (Name is what you want to appear in the listbox, just let the 'Value' be as it is. Repeat as necessary.

    7) Make sure the ComboType property is DropList (not DropDown)

    *NEW*) Repeat the above (from step 2 to 4) but use an editbox instead of a list box, and name it SerNum

    8) Save (File>Save) then Close (File>Close) the Form

    9) In the Edit Window of your program, create an assignment i.e.

    10) Insert>Report Command > Form and browse to and select your form

    11) To link what is selected in your Form to your Assignment see below


    This links the TEXTVALUE property (what's selected in the drop list) of the control PALLETNUM to the ASSIGNMENT PNUM
    The second line links TEXT propert of the Edit Box SERNUM to the ASSIGNMENT SERNUM

    The user can only select what's in the DropLists, so you can do a quick test to make sure they've selected a value.

                IF_GOTO/PNUM=="",GOTO = TRYAGAIN
                IF_GOTO/SERNUM=="",GOTO = TRYAGAIN