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How do you create an Input Comment with multiple inputs?

I previously created a custom header on the output report by adding additional information to the existing file, FILE_HEADER.LBL. In order to fill the header with relavent information, I have 11 comments (type Input) at the beggining of each program which the operator must fill in to generate the header to the report. The operators have expressed that the multiple pop-ups in a row are slow and frustrating, so I'm wondering if there is a way to create a pop-up with multiple Input slots. I'm looking for something similiar to the new Part Program Dialog Box--in which the operator can put in all 11 pieces of information at the same time. The New Part Program Dialog box allows for three inputs (1. Part name 2. Revision number 3. Serial number) those inputs are not beneficial to me, but I would like something similar that I could edit the names of the inputs and the number of inputs fields that the operator would see.

Hopefully this makes sense. I appreciate any information any of you might have.
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