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Getting a Star probe square to your machine

First, you need to have your star square to the machine.
What I do is place a 123 block on my plate.
I have a Rayco plate so it is easy to get that square.
When I put the star in I eyeball it square to the block.
Your dual calsphere needs to be pretty square to the machine also.
Next, I calibrate each tip individually, starting with #1.
It might take a few tries, but it'll work.
Here are a couple of pics of how I do it.

  • Isn't the "depth" of the touches adjustable?

    Kinda Sorta Maybe . . . but. . . You stated the tip has been in use for years. Now all of a sudden something has gone wonky. Before you change the qual routine you should try to fix the wonky. Sometimes pc-dmis just "forgets" how long your tip is or where the sphere is or what it's name is or something. Occasionally when this happens, just manually calibrating the tip will solve the amnesia, (which I suspect but can't prove is due to being overdazeled by the stunning Alex & Buck).

    Pc-Dmis has also become a chronic corrupter of it's own files. You can spend a lot of time and money chasing in circles, (as I recently did), or you can just call up your star tip, open the probe utility window, make whatever notes you need to be able to rebuild the tip, then close out of pc-dmis entirely. Delete the file. Relaunch pc-dmis. Rebuild the tip. Calibrate. Carry On.

  • Isn't the "depth" of the touches adjustable?

    Kinda Sorta Maybe . . . but. . . You stated the tip has been in use for years. Now all of a sudden something has gone wonky. Before you change the qual routine you should try to fix the wonky. Sometimes pc-dmis just "forgets" how long your tip is or where the sphere is or what it's name is or something. Occasionally when this happens, just manually calibrating the tip will solve the amnesia, (which I suspect but can't prove is due to being overdazeled by the stunning Alex & Buck).

    Pc-Dmis has also become a chronic corrupter of it's own files. You can spend a lot of time and money chasing in circles, (as I recently did), or you can just call up your star tip, open the probe utility window, make whatever notes you need to be able to rebuild the tip, then close out of pc-dmis entirely. Delete the file. Relaunch pc-dmis. Rebuild the tip. Calibrate. Carry On.

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