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PC-Dmis to Excel, through PC-Dmis Script

I know there is currently a VB project that runs in Excel during execution that will pull information into the workbook during execution. I decided to venture out and try some of my own approaches with a combination of data I found online here and there.

What I have is a script that can be executed in program, without too much setup and hassle, that will export data into an excel workbook like a print command would. I feel this script offers a little more versatility.

I will not claim ownership of this program. I just tweaked it to fit my needs. So far I have it running, and it works quite well.

I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part I wanted to post it to have as a reference.

It's a long program........
  • Sub Main 
    'xl Declarations
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWorkbooks As Object
    Dim xlWorkbook As Object
    Dim xlSheet As Object
    Dim fncSheet As Object
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim xlWorksheets As String 
    Dim xlWorksheet As String 
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    Dim fs As Object 
    Dim DimID As String 
    Dim ReportDim As String
    Dim CheckDim As String 
    Dim Cavity As String  
    Dim myValue As String 
    Dim message, title, defaultValue As String
    Dim FolderList$ ( )  
    Set Project = Part.GetVariableValue("PROJECT")
    myValue = Project.StringValue
    If myValue = "" Then 
      myValue = InputBox("Please Input Project #","Project # Input","XXXXXX")
        For Each Cmd In Cmds
          If Cmd.Type = ASSIGNMENT Then
            If Cmd.GetText(DEST_EXPR,0) = "PROJECT" Then
          bln = Cmd.PutText("""" + myValue + """", SRC_EXPR, 0)
            End If
          End If
        Next Cmd
    End If
        Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, firstchar, InputFolder, found, objDLG
    myProject = "Project # " & myValue
        Dim serverpath
    'Hardcoded absolute 
        serverpath = "X:\" 'Path coded As a network directory In "My Computer" To point To projects folder
        'Assign searchpath using "serverpath"
        Dim foldername As String
        Dim strDirectory
        Dim strDirectory1
        Dim strDirectory2
        Dim strDirectory3
        Dim strDirectory4
        Dim strDirectory5
        foldername = Dir(serverpath & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
    count = 0
    While foldername <> ""
    count = count +1
    checker = Left(foldername,6)
            If checker = myValue Then
                strDirectory = serverpath & foldername
                strDirectory1 = strDirectory & "\Non-Disclosure Agreement"
            End If
    foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
    'Create filesystemobject
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'Check If the folder "Non-Disclosure Agreement" exists
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory1) Then
            objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory1)
            found = 1
            strDirectory = strDirectory & "\"
            found = 0
        End If
        Dim CMDline, CMDvar, CMDval, Delimpos, CMDfind
        'Handle For "Non-Disclosure Agreement" Not existing
        If (found = 0) Then
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername, 4)
                    If CMDval = "Engineering" Then
                        strDirectory1 = strDirectory & foldername
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        End If
        'Find "Engineering Folder"
        strDirectory1 = strDirectory1 & "\"
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory1 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                    If CMDval = "Engineering" Then
                    strDirectory2 = strDirectory1 & foldername
                    strDirectory3 = strDirectory2 & "\09 Inspection"
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        'Check If the folder "09 Inspection" exists
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory3) Then
            objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory3)
            found = 1
            strDirectory2 = strDirectory2 & "\"
            found = 0
        End If
        'Handle For "09 Inspection" Not existing
        If (found = 0) Then
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory2 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                    If CMDval = "Inspection" Then
                        strDirectory3 = strDirectory2 & foldername
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        End If
        'Find "CMM Data" Folder
        strDirectory3 = strDirectory3 & "\"
        foldername = Dir(strDirectory3 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
        count = 0
        founder = 0
        While foldername <> ""
            count = count + 1
            delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
            If delimpos Then
                CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                If CMDval = "CMM Programs & Documentation" Then
                    founder = 1
                    strDirectory4 = strDirectory3 & foldername
                    strDirectory5 = strDirectory4
                End If
            End If
            foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        If (founder = 0) Then
            'Check If the folder "02 CMM Programs & Documentation" exists
            If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory5) Then
                objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory5)
                objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory5)
                objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory5)
            End If
        End If
        'If the folder existed
            'Check To see If results file exists
            FilePath = strDirectory5 & "\"
            Set prognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
            ResFileExists = FilePath & Prognam.StringValue & ".xlsx"
    Dim TempFilename
            If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
                TempFilename = "X:\00 Sub Folders\13 Engineering\09 Inspection\02 CMM Programs & Documentation\" & "Program Template.xlsx"
                TempFilename = FilePath & Prognam.StringValue & ".xlsx"
            End If
            On Error GoTo ErrorCheck
  • Sub Main 
    'xl Declarations
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWorkbooks As Object
    Dim xlWorkbook As Object
    Dim xlSheet As Object
    Dim fncSheet As Object
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim xlWorksheets As String 
    Dim xlWorksheet As String 
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    Dim fs As Object 
    Dim DimID As String 
    Dim ReportDim As String
    Dim CheckDim As String 
    Dim Cavity As String  
    Dim myValue As String 
    Dim message, title, defaultValue As String
    Dim FolderList$ ( )  
    Set Project = Part.GetVariableValue("PROJECT")
    myValue = Project.StringValue
    If myValue = "" Then 
      myValue = InputBox("Please Input Project #","Project # Input","XXXXXX")
        For Each Cmd In Cmds
          If Cmd.Type = ASSIGNMENT Then
            If Cmd.GetText(DEST_EXPR,0) = "PROJECT" Then
          bln = Cmd.PutText("""" + myValue + """", SRC_EXPR, 0)
            End If
          End If
        Next Cmd
    End If
        Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, firstchar, InputFolder, found, objDLG
    myProject = "Project # " & myValue
        Dim serverpath
    'Hardcoded absolute 
        serverpath = "X:\" 'Path coded As a network directory In "My Computer" To point To projects folder
        'Assign searchpath using "serverpath"
        Dim foldername As String
        Dim strDirectory
        Dim strDirectory1
        Dim strDirectory2
        Dim strDirectory3
        Dim strDirectory4
        Dim strDirectory5
        foldername = Dir(serverpath & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
    count = 0
    While foldername <> ""
    count = count +1
    checker = Left(foldername,6)
            If checker = myValue Then
                strDirectory = serverpath & foldername
                strDirectory1 = strDirectory & "\Non-Disclosure Agreement"
            End If
    foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
    'Create filesystemobject
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'Check If the folder "Non-Disclosure Agreement" exists
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory1) Then
            objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory1)
            found = 1
            strDirectory = strDirectory & "\"
            found = 0
        End If
        Dim CMDline, CMDvar, CMDval, Delimpos, CMDfind
        'Handle For "Non-Disclosure Agreement" Not existing
        If (found = 0) Then
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername, 4)
                    If CMDval = "Engineering" Then
                        strDirectory1 = strDirectory & foldername
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        End If
        'Find "Engineering Folder"
        strDirectory1 = strDirectory1 & "\"
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory1 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                    If CMDval = "Engineering" Then
                    strDirectory2 = strDirectory1 & foldername
                    strDirectory3 = strDirectory2 & "\09 Inspection"
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        'Check If the folder "09 Inspection" exists
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory3) Then
            objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory3)
            found = 1
            strDirectory2 = strDirectory2 & "\"
            found = 0
        End If
        'Handle For "09 Inspection" Not existing
        If (found = 0) Then
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory2 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                    If CMDval = "Inspection" Then
                        strDirectory3 = strDirectory2 & foldername
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        End If
        'Find "CMM Data" Folder
        strDirectory3 = strDirectory3 & "\"
        foldername = Dir(strDirectory3 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
        count = 0
        founder = 0
        While foldername <> ""
            count = count + 1
            delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
            If delimpos Then
                CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                If CMDval = "CMM Programs & Documentation" Then
                    founder = 1
                    strDirectory4 = strDirectory3 & foldername
                    strDirectory5 = strDirectory4
                End If
            End If
            foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        If (founder = 0) Then
            'Check If the folder "02 CMM Programs & Documentation" exists
            If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory5) Then
                objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory5)
                objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory5)
                objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory5)
            End If
        End If
        'If the folder existed
            'Check To see If results file exists
            FilePath = strDirectory5 & "\"
            Set prognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
            ResFileExists = FilePath & Prognam.StringValue & ".xlsx"
    Dim TempFilename
            If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
                TempFilename = "X:\00 Sub Folders\13 Engineering\09 Inspection\02 CMM Programs & Documentation\" & "Program Template.xlsx"
                TempFilename = FilePath & Prognam.StringValue & ".xlsx"
            End If
            On Error GoTo ErrorCheck
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