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PC-Dmis to Excel, through PC-Dmis Script

I know there is currently a VB project that runs in Excel during execution that will pull information into the workbook during execution. I decided to venture out and try some of my own approaches with a combination of data I found online here and there.

What I have is a script that can be executed in program, without too much setup and hassle, that will export data into an excel workbook like a print command would. I feel this script offers a little more versatility.

I will not claim ownership of this program. I just tweaked it to fit my needs. So far I have it running, and it works quite well.

I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part I wanted to post it to have as a reference.

It's a long program........
  • Sub Main 
    'xl Declarations
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWorkbooks As Object
    Dim xlWorkbook As Object
    Dim xlSheet As Object
    Dim fncSheet As Object
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim xlWorksheets As String 
    Dim xlWorksheet As String 
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    Dim fs As Object 
    Dim DimID As String 
    Dim ReportDim As String
    Dim CheckDim As String 
    Dim Cavity As String  
    Dim myValue As String 
    Dim message, title, defaultValue As String
    Dim FolderList$ ( )  
    Set Project = Part.GetVariableValue("PROJECT")
    myValue = Project.StringValue
    If myValue = "" Then 
      myValue = InputBox("Please Input Project #","Project # Input","XXXXXX")
        For Each Cmd In Cmds
          If Cmd.Type = ASSIGNMENT Then
            If Cmd.GetText(DEST_EXPR,0) = "PROJECT" Then
          bln = Cmd.PutText("""" + myValue + """", SRC_EXPR, 0)
            End If
          End If
        Next Cmd
    End If
        Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, firstchar, InputFolder, found, objDLG
    myProject = "Project # " & myValue
        Dim serverpath
    'Hardcoded absolute 
        serverpath = "X:\" 'Path coded As a network directory In "My Computer" To point To projects folder
        'Assign searchpath using "serverpath"
        Dim foldername As String
        Dim strDirectory
        Dim strDirectory1
        Dim strDirectory2
        Dim strDirectory3
        Dim strDirectory4
        Dim strDirectory5
        foldername = Dir(serverpath & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
    count = 0
    While foldername <> ""
    count = count +1
    checker = Left(foldername,6)
            If checker = myValue Then
                strDirectory = serverpath & foldername
                strDirectory1 = strDirectory & "\Non-Disclosure Agreement"
            End If
    foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
    'Create filesystemobject
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'Check If the folder "Non-Disclosure Agreement" exists
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory1) Then
            objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory1)
            found = 1
            strDirectory = strDirectory & "\"
            found = 0
        End If
        Dim CMDline, CMDvar, CMDval, Delimpos, CMDfind
        'Handle For "Non-Disclosure Agreement" Not existing
        If (found = 0) Then
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername, 4)
                    If CMDval = "Engineering" Then
                        strDirectory1 = strDirectory & foldername
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        End If
        'Find "Engineering Folder"
        strDirectory1 = strDirectory1 & "\"
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory1 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                    If CMDval = "Engineering" Then
                    strDirectory2 = strDirectory1 & foldername
                    strDirectory3 = strDirectory2 & "\09 Inspection"
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        'Check If the folder "09 Inspection" exists
        If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory3) Then
            objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory3)
            found = 1
            strDirectory2 = strDirectory2 & "\"
            found = 0
        End If
        'Handle For "09 Inspection" Not existing
        If (found = 0) Then
            foldername = Dir(strDirectory2 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
            count = 0
            While foldername <> ""
                count = count + 1
                delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
                If delimpos Then
                    CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                    If CMDval = "Inspection" Then
                        strDirectory3 = strDirectory2 & foldername
                    End If
                End If
                foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        End If
        'Find "CMM Data" Folder
        strDirectory3 = strDirectory3 & "\"
        foldername = Dir(strDirectory3 & "*.*", 16) 'value of "16" pulls In all folders In directory given
        count = 0
        founder = 0
        While foldername <> ""
            count = count + 1
            delimpos = instr(1, foldername, " ") 'Find the delimeter (space), "13 Eng" ex.
            If delimpos Then
                CMDval = Right(foldername,len(foldername) - delimpos)
                If CMDval = "CMM Programs & Documentation" Then
                    founder = 1
                    strDirectory4 = strDirectory3 & foldername
                    strDirectory5 = strDirectory4
                End If
            End If
            foldername = Dir ' find the Next file
        If (founder = 0) Then
            'Check If the folder "02 CMM Programs & Documentation" exists
            If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory5) Then
                objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory5)
                objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory5)
                objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory5)
            End If
        End If
        'If the folder existed
            'Check To see If results file exists
            FilePath = strDirectory5 & "\"
            Set prognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
            ResFileExists = FilePath & Prognam.StringValue & ".xlsx"
    Dim TempFilename
            If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
                TempFilename = "X:\00 Sub Folders\13 Engineering\09 Inspection\02 CMM Programs & Documentation\" & "Program Template.xlsx"
                TempFilename = FilePath & Prognam.StringValue & ".xlsx"
            End If
            On Error GoTo ErrorCheck
            'Open Excel And Base form
            Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            Set xlWorkbooks = xlapp.Workbooks
            Set xlWorkbook = xlWorkbooks.Open(TempFilename)
            Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets("#Main Page")
            Set xlsheets = xlworkbook.worksheets
            Set fncSheet = xlApp.WorkSheetFunction
            Dim Nomi, Plustol, Minustol
            Dim sh As Worksheet, flg As Boolean
            For Each sh In xlworkbook.worksheets
                If sh.Name = myProject Then flg = True : Exit For
            If flg = False Then
                xlsheets.Add.Name = myProject
            End If
            Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets(myProject)
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        RCount = 7
        CCount = 3
        Set CMMPrognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
        Set Partnu = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNUM")
        Set Partna = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNAM")
        Set Printrevver = Part.GetVariableValue("PRINTREV1")
        xlSheet.Range("B1").Value = CMMPrognam.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Program Name :"
        xlSheet.Range("B2").Value = Partnu.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A2").Value = "Part # :"
        xlSheet.Range("B3").Value = Partna.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A3").Value = "Part Name :"
        xlSheet.Range("B4").Value = Printrevver.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A4").Value = "Print Information :"
        Set Samp = Part.GetVariableValue("SAMP")
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, 2).Value = "Feature Name :"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 1).Value = "Sample # : "
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 2).Value = Samp.StringValue
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 0, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 1, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 1, 2).Value = "Nominal"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, 2).Value = "USL"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, 2).Value = "LSL"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 4, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 4, 2).Value = "--"
    For Each Cmd In Cmds
             'Do GDT
             If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
                  ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                  If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) 
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value =  Cmd.GetText(GDT_SYMBOL, 0)
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+1,CCount).Value = "0"
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+2,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, 1)
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+3,CCount).Value = "0"
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+4, CCount).Value = "--"
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1)
                  End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
                  CCount = CCount + 1
             End If
             'Do Dimensions
             If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                  If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or _
                       Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then
                        Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                          DimID = DcmdID.ID
                          ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                          xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, CCount).Value = DcmdID.Id
                  End If
                  If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                        Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                        CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       If CheckDim <> "" Then
                                ReportDim = CheckDim
                       End If
                            If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                                 If DCmd.ID = "" Then
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = DCmd.AxisLetter
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, CCount).Value = Dcmd.Id
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = "M"
                                 End If 'DCmd.ID = ""
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount+1,CCount).Value = DCmd.Nominal
                                 Set PlusTol =  fncsheet.Sum(DCmd.Nominal,(DCmd.Plus))
                                 Set MinusTol = fncsheet.Sum(DCmd.Nominal,-(DCmd.Minus))
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, CCount).Value = PlusTol
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, CCount).Value = MinusTol
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount+4, CCount).Value = "--"
                                 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                                 If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = DCmd.Measured
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = DCmd.Deviation
                                 End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                                 'Add For Profile dimensions
                                 If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = DCmd.Deviation
                                 End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                            End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
                            CCount = CCount + 1
                  End If
             End If
    Next Cmd
    Else 'If ResFileExists = False Then
         If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True Then 
        RCount = 11
        Found = 0
        Do Until Found = 1
        RCount = RCount + 1
        If xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = "" Then
        End If
        Samp = Part.GetVariableValue("SAMP")
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Value = "Sample # :"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 2).Value = Samp.StringValue
        'Fill In measured data
        CCount = 3
    For Each Cmd In Cmds
             'Do GDT
             If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
                  ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                  If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1)
                  End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
                  CCount = CCount + 1
             End If
             'Do Dimensions
             If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                  If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or _
                       Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then
                        Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                          DimID = DcmdID.ID
                          ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                  End If
                  If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                        Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                        CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       If CheckDim <> "" Then
                                ReportDim = CheckDim
                       End If
                            If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                                 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                                 If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = DCmd.Measured
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = DCmd.Deviation
                                 End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                                 'Add For Profile dimensions
                                 If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = DCmd.Deviation
                                 End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                            End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
                            CCount = CCount + 1
                  End If
             End If
    Next Cmd
            End If
    End If 'If ResFileExists = False Then
  • If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True Then
        Dim Aver, Mini, Maxi, StdDevv, Ranger, Meani, Cp, Cpk
        Dim MyRange As Range
        Dim Startcell, EndCell, Tcount, Scount
        Dim Col, lCol
        Rcount = Rcount
     Ccount = 3
     Scount = 12
     Tcount = Rcount-Scount
        Rcount = Rcount+2
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,1).Value = ""
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,1).Value = "Max"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,1).Value = "Min"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,1).Value = "Range"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,1).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,1).Value = "Average"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,1).Value = "Mean"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,1).Value = "Std Dev"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,1).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Cp"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,1).Value = "CpK"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,1).Value = "Count"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,2).Value = "--"    NotFound = 0
        Do Until NotFound = 1
             If xlSheet.Cells(7, CCount).Value <> "" Then ' FCF
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,Ccount).Value = "--"
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Max(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Min(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
             'Controls Range of Meas, Max-Min
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Sum(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).value,-(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).value))
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,Ccount).Value = "--"
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Average(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Median(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.STDEVP(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
             xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,Ccount).Value = "--"
             If xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value <> 0 Then
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = _
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Min( _
                       (xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value-xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value) /(3*xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).value) _
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = _
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = _
                       (xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value-xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value) /(3*xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).value)
             End If
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,Ccount).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
             CCount = CCount + 1
             NotFound = 0
             NotFound = 1
             End If 
    End If
    'Save And Cleanup
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        xlWorkBook.SaveAs ResFileExists
    End If
        Set xlSheet = Nothing 
        Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
        Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
        Set xlApp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
        Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
        Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
        Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Sub
  • There the monster is finished.

    I can personally say it was fun writing this.

    The first section posted goes through my company directory by a pulled variable and locations to find my end "address"
    the second section posted actually controls all the excel population. Still needs cleaned up.
    The third section is the final part of the program for clean up, and formula crunching.

    If you have any questions, I will answer what I can.

    I had some time and decided to play with the excel functions some more. Finding the correct syntax for the "Excel" "WorkbookFunction" was a little annoying but I got it. I also figured out how to properly select a cell range for data crunching.

    Not sure if my formula for Cp, CpK are correct. I did it off of memory real quick.

    So here you go, a working excel output script with examples on excel function/formula implementation. There are other logic statements I have been playing with like cell shading and cell width/height. Once I get a "neat" layout I will post them.
    Dim WidthSet
     WidthSet = xlSheet.Range("A4").Columns.AutoFit()
    WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, 2).Columns.AutoFit()[SIZE=2][/SIZE]

    ^Controls to AutoSet Cell Width for information display length
    If xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value Then
         xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount[B]).Interior.ColorIndex [/B]= 38
    End If

    ^Controls to AutoSet Cell Shade based on cell value comparatively.
    objExcel.Cells(1, 2).Font.ColorIndex = 44

    ^Controls to AutoSet Cell Text Color.
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    objExcel.Visible = True
    Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add()
    Set objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    For i = 1 to 14
        objExcel.Cells(i, 1).Value = i
        objExcel.Cells(i, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = i
    For i = 15 to 28
        objExcel.Cells(i - 14, 3).Value = i
        objExcel.Cells(i - 14, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = i
    For i = 29 to 42
        objExcel.Cells(i - 28, 5).Value = i
        objExcel.Cells(i - 28, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = i
    For i = 43 to 56
        objExcel.Cells(i - 42, 7).Value = i
        objExcel.Cells(i - 42, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = i

    ^Code snippet to determine color code
  • Noob (to VB) question here, do I just copy this into VB to make this work?
  • ...... it won't be that easy.

    I could post a more user-friendly copy, but this was more of a reference/guide to using excel from the basic script commands. I found the pcd2excel wizard in pcdmis not very friendly to custom/modified outputs.

    I can help you with questions. pm me.
  • Drop-In Script part1

    Sub Main 
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Ew As Object
    Set Ew = Part.EditWindow
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    Dim ObjFso
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Excel Declarations
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Dim xlWorkbooks As Object
    Set xlWorkbooks = xlapp.Workbooks
    Dim xlWorkbook As Object
    Dim xlSheet As Object
    Dim fncSheet As Object
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim xlWorksheets As String 
    Dim xlWorksheet As String 
    Dim DimID As String 
    Dim ReportDim As String
    Dim CheckDim As String 
    Dim FilePath, SheetPath As String
    'Check To see If results file exists
    myTitle$ = "User Input"
    Prompt$ = "Please Input Directory for blank Excel Document, or Reference Document.  Including file name."
    Default$ = "C:\"
    FilePath = InputBox$(Prompt$, myTitle$, Default$)
    myTitle$ = "User Input"
    Prompt$ = "Please Input Sheet Name for Data Population"
    Default$ = "Sheet1"
    SheetPath = InputBox$(Prompt$, myTitle$, Default$)
    ResFileExists = FilePath & ".xlsx"
    Dim TempFilename,TempSheetName
    TempSheetName = SheetPath
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        'If the file did Not exist, Then use a default file location stored As a precaution
        TempFilename = "X:\00 Sub Folders\13 Engineering\09 Inspection\02 CMM Programs & Documentation\" & "Prog Template.xlsx"
       [COLOR=#FF0000][B] '^^ You need to adjust this line to fit your needs.  This is a security line to always point to a guaranteed excel document for use. _
        'Ex.  "C:\Test.xlsx"[/B][/COLOR]
        TempFilename = ResFileExists
    End If
    On Error GoTo ErrorCheck
  • Drop-in Script Part2
    'Open Excel And Base form
    'Display Excel, While hiding Pc-Dmis
    xlApp.Application.Visible = True
    App.Visible = False
    Set xlWorkbook = xlWorkbooks.Open(TempFilename)
    Set xlsheets = xlworkbook.worksheets
    'by default first sheet is "Sheet1" In a workbook.  If you save a default template_
    'Then you need To adjust the following Set xlsheet assignment To match
    Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set fncSheet = xlApp.WorkSheetFunction
    'Pc-Dmis Variable Call-In
    Set CMMPrognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
    Set Partnu = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNUMBER")
    Set Partna = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNAME")
    Set Printrevver = Part.GetVariableValue("PRINTREV1")
    Set Samp = Part.GetVariableValue("SAMP")
    Dim sh As Worksheet, flg As Boolean
    Dim Nomi, Plustol, Minustol, Meas, WidthSet
    'Search the Open workbook For a sheet Name
    For Each sh In xlworkbook.worksheets
        If sh.Name = SheetPath Then flg = True : Exit For
    'If sheet is Not found, add one
    If flg = False Then
        xlsheets.Add.Name = SheetPath
    End If
    'Asssign sheet Name To be populated
    Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetPath)
    'If the file did Not exist, start execution To populate main data
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Or xlsheet.cells(1,1).Value = "" Then
        RCount = 7
        CCount = 3
        xlSheet.Range("B1").Value = CMMPrognam.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Program Name :"
        xlSheet.Range("B2").Value = Partnu.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A2").Value = "Part # :"
        xlSheet.Range("B3").Value = Partna.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A3").Value = "Part Name :"
        xlSheet.Range("B4").Value = Printrevver.StringValue
        xlSheet.Range("A4").Value = "Print Information :"
        WidthSet = xlSheet.Range("A4").Columns.AutoFit()
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, 2).Value = "Feature Name :"
        WidthSet =     xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, 2).Columns.AutoFit()
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 1).Value = "Sample # : "
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 2).Value = Samp.StringValue
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 0, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 1, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 1, 2).Value = "Nominal"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, 2).Value = "USL"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, 2).Value = "LSL"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 4, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 4, 2).Value = "--"
        i = 0
        For Each Cmd In Cmds
             i = i + 1
             App.StatusBar = "Cycling through commands. Current command: " & i
             'Do GDT
             If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
                  ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                  If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) 
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value =  Cmd.GetText(GDT_SYMBOL, 0)
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+1,CCount).Value = "0"
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+2,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, 1)
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+3,CCount).Value = "0"
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+4, CCount).Value = "--"
                       xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = fncsheet.Round(Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1),6)
                       If xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value Then
                            xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                       End If
                       WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
                       WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
                  End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
                  CCount = CCount + 1
             End If
             'Do Dimensions
             If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                  If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or _
                       Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then
                            Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            DimID = DcmdID.ID
                            ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, CCount).Value = DcmdID.Id
                            WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
                  End If
                  If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
                       Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                       Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                       CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       If CheckDim <> "" Then
                            ReportDim = CheckDim
                       End If
                       If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                            If DCmd.ID = "" Then
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = DCmd.AxisLetter
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, CCount).Value = Dcmd.Id
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = "M"
                            End If 'DCmd.ID = ""
                            If Dcmd.Nominal < 0 Then
                                 Set Nomi = Abs(DCmd.Nominal)
                                 Set PlusTol =  fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,Abs((DCmd.Plus)))
                                 Set MinusTol = fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,-Abs((DCmd.Minus)))
                                 Set Nomi = DCmd.Nominal
                                 Set PlusTol =  fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,(DCmd.Plus))
                                 Set MinusTol = fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,-(DCmd.Minus))
                            End If
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount+1,CCount).Value = Nomi
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, CCount).Value = PlusTol
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, CCount).Value = MinusTol
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount+4, CCount).Value = "--"
                            'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                            If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                 Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Measured,6))
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
                                 If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                 Meas < MinusTol Then
                                      xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                 End If
                                 Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
                                 If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                 Meas < MinusTol Then
                                      xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                 End If
                            End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                            'Add For Profile dimensions
                            If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                 Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                 xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
                                 If xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value > PlusTol Or _
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value < MinusTol Then
                                      xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                 End If
                            End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                       End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
                       CCount = CCount + 1
                  End If
             End If
        Next Cmd
  • Drop-In Script Part3
    Else 'If ResFileExists = False Then
        If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True Then 
             RCount = 11
             Found = 0
             Do Until Found = 1
                  RCount = RCount + 1
                  If xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = "" Then
                  End If
             xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Value = "Sample # :"
             xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 2).Value = Samp.StringValue
             'Fill In measured data
             CCount = 3
             i = 0
             For Each Cmd In Cmds
                  i = i + 1
                  App.StatusBar = "Cycling through commands. Current command: " & i
                  'Do GDT
                  If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
                       ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = fncsheet.Round(Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1),6)
                            If xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value Or _
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value < xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value Then
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                            End If
                       End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
                       CCount = CCount + 1
                  End If
                  'Do Dimensions
                  If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                       If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or _
                            Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then
                            Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            DimID = DcmdID.ID
                            ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       End If
                       If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                            Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                            If CheckDim <> "" Then
                                 ReportDim = CheckDim
                            End If
                            If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                                 Set PlusTol =  xlSheet.Cells(9, CCount).Value
                                 Set MinusTol = xlSheet.Cells(10, CCount).Value
                                 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                                 If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Measured,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                 End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                                 'Add For Profile dimensions
                                 If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                 End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                            End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
                            CCount = CCount + 1
                       End If
                  End If
             Next Cmd
        End If
    End If 'If ResFileExists = False Then
    'Optional sheet functions used For data gathering.  'Will Not work If there are blank values.  Delete out the following Or use As needed.
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True And Rcount >= 13 Then
        Dim Aver, Mini, Maxi, Std, Cp, Cpk, usl, lsl
        Dim Startcell, EndCell, Tcount, Scount
        Dim Col, lCol
        Rcount = Rcount
        Ccount = 3
        Scount = 12
        Tcount = Rcount-Scount
        Rcount = Rcount+2
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,1).Value = ""
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,1).Value = "Max"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,1).Value = "Min"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,1).Value = "Range"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,1).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,1).Value = "Average"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,1).Value = "Mean"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,1).Value = "Std Dev"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,1).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Cp"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,1).Value = "CpK"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Count"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,2).Value = "--"
        NotFound = 0
        Do Until NotFound = 1
             If xlSheet.Cells(7, CCount).Value <> "" Then ' FCF
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  Set USL = xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value
                  Set LSL = xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Max(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Maxi = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Min(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Mini = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value
                  'Controls Range of Meas, Max-Min
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Sum(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).value,-(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).value)),6)
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Average(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Aver = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Median(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.STDEVP(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount)))),6)
                  Set Std = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value =""
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value =""
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(((USL-LSL)/(6*Std)),6)
                  'If LSL <> 0 Then
                       'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Min(((USL-Aver)/(3*Std)),((Aver-LSL)/(3*Std))),6)
                       'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round((USL-Aver)/(3*Std),6)
                  'End If
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,Ccount).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
                  CCount = CCount + 1
                  NotFound = 0
                  NotFound = 1
             End If 
    End If
    '^^Optional sheet functions used For data gathering.  'Will Not work If there are blank values.  Delete out the following Or use As needed^^.
    'Save And Cleanup
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        'If the file did Not exist originally, save the file As the Name given
        xlWorkBook.SaveAs ResFileExists
    End If
    xlApp.Application.Visible = False
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    xlApp.Application.Visible = True
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Sub
  • Above is a 3 part drop in script. You will need to copy and paste it all together.

    Note 1: If you notice in the first section, you need to add a default excel file for reference as a security means.
    Note 2: The version of excel you are using is important. As Default it uses the extension .xlsx
    Note 3: The following code snippet requires these variables in your Pc-Dmis program to be implemented. If you want to use the default program data, that can be done as well. Just change the code.
    Set CMMPrognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
    Set Partnu = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNUMBER")
    Set Partna = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNAME")
    Set Printrevver = Part.GetVariableValue("PRINTREV1")
    Set Samp = Part.GetVariableValue("SAMP")
    Note 4: The optional math functions are for your use. If you don't want them, delete them out. BUT! you can't leave them in there if you dry run. throws zeroes out and causes errors.
    Note 5: Please notice that even if you dim out in negatives, everything in this script uses Abs values and rounds out to 6 places. For the math functions to work, it had to be done.
    Note 6: Your dimensions can't be 0 +/- tol. For obvious reasons, your averages and other values will be wrong. So you may use dimensions like this, but you can't use the math functions.