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PC-Dmis to Excel, through PC-Dmis Script

I know there is currently a VB project that runs in Excel during execution that will pull information into the workbook during execution. I decided to venture out and try some of my own approaches with a combination of data I found online here and there.

What I have is a script that can be executed in program, without too much setup and hassle, that will export data into an excel workbook like a print command would. I feel this script offers a little more versatility.

I will not claim ownership of this program. I just tweaked it to fit my needs. So far I have it running, and it works quite well.

I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part I wanted to post it to have as a reference.

It's a long program........
  • Hi, thanks for this scipt.
    It works fine for me if I switch PCDMIS to english language. If I use it with german language than it exports only some of the dimension labels and no single measurement. Do you have any suggestion what to change to make it run in other languages than english?
  • Hello Ralf,

    Honestly that is beyond my scripting experience. I know there are some on here who have/can do this. So i apologize and hope that one of the more experienced users on here can answer your question.
  • Hello Rploughe,

    thats ok, maybe one of the specialists will post an answer.
    In the meantime I am in contact with the german support team and ask them about the differences between scrips for english and german version of PCDMIS. But I still have no answer. So lets wait and see.
  • For every place where a GETTEXT-result is compared to a "text" you need to verify the German translation of that text. Like in

    ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                  If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then

    For Swedish, the "BOTH" should be "BÅDA" and "REPORT" should be "RAPPORT", my guess for German is "BEIDE" and "RAPPORT".

    I often write scripts that work both in English and Swedish, the above excerpt would then be changed to

    ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                  If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Or ReportDim = "BÅDA" or ReportDim = "RAPPORT" Then

    which gets rather unwieldy when more languages are needed.

    In the latest versions of PC-DMIS there is a function for getting a string in the current language, given the English word,


    will give "JA" when I run in Swedish, but this function is very limited in its vocabulary, and "BOTH" is not there Disappointed so you have to use a numeric ID instead - good luck finding the numbers, there are about 10000 different ones (-4000 to +6000, approx.)...
  • can you tell me how to insert that monster plz. I never used a script before
    I know there is currently a VB project that runs in Excel during execution that will pull information into the workbook during execution. I decided to venture out and try some of my own approaches with a combination of data I found online here and there.

    What I have is a script that can be executed in program, without too much setup and hassle, that will export data into an excel workbook like a print command would. I feel this script offers a little more versatility.

    I will not claim ownership of this program. I just tweaked it to fit my needs. So far I have it running, and it works quite well.

    I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part I wanted to post it to have as a reference.

    It's a long program........
  • Hi,

    thanks for your assistance. I will try that later. Maybe I find the right IDs.
    For the moment I have just skipped this query because it is ok for me to export all dimensions.
  • Hi,

    thanks for your assistance. I will try that later. Maybe I find the right IDs.
    For the moment I have just skipped this query because it is ok for me to export all dimensions.

    Ralf (and all),

    Look up SetToggleString for OUTPUT_TYPE instead of going directly for the strings.
    I use this method to set the output value in one of my automation scripts:

    retval = PCDCommand.SetToggleString (1, OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)

    Incorporated into a dimension evaluation (creating it):

    Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Add (DIMENSION_START_LOCATION, True)
        retval = PCDCommand.PutText ("P" & cnt, ID, 0)
        retval = PCDCommand.PutText ("MP" & cnt, REF_ID, 0)
        retval = PCDCommand.SetToggleString (1, OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
        retval = PCDCommand.SetToggleString (2, UNIT_TYPE, 0)
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Add (DIMENSION_X_LOCATION, True)
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Add (DIMENSION_Y_LOCATION, True)
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Add (DIMENSION_Z_LOCATION, True)
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Add (DIMENSION_D_LOCATION, True)
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Add (DIMENSION_END_LOCATION, True)
        PCDCommand.Marked = True
  • hello,

    this is very helpful information. I am new to VB programming. It would be highly appreciated if you provide with simple script for exporting feature result to specific location like "A2" in Excel without opening the Excel sheet.
  • Hey looky, my script stuffs. Hmm seems like an older version. I will have to post updates.
  • First Half

    Sub Main 
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    'Excel Declarations
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWorkbooks As Object
    Dim xlWorkbook As Object
    Dim xlSheet As Object
    Dim xlSheets As Object
    Dim fncSheet As Object
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim xlWorksheets As String 
    Dim xlWorksheet As String 
    Dim fs As Object 
    Dim DimID As String 
    Dim ReportDim As String
    Dim CheckDim As String 
    Dim Cavity As String  
    Dim myValue As String 
    Dim message, title, defaultValue As String
    Dim FolderList$ ( )  
    Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, found
    Dim serverpath
    Dim foldername As String
    Dim strDirectory, strDirectory1, strDirectory2, strDirectory3, strDirectory4, strDirectory5
    Dim CMDline, CMDvar, CMDval, Delimpos, CMDfind
    Set prognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
    Set CMMPrognam = Part.GetVariableValue("CMMPROGRAM")
    Set Partnu = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNUM")
    Set Partna = Part.GetVariableValue("PARTNAM")
    Set Printrevver = Part.GetVariableValue("PRINTREV1")
    Set Locater = Part.GetVariableValue("RPTPATH")
    Set Jobber = Part.GetVariableValue("JOB")
    Set Opper = Part.GetVariableValue("OPERATOR")
    ' Create the File System Object
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Check To see If results file exists
    FilePath = Locater.Stringvalue
    ResFileExists = FilePath & prognam.Stringvalue & ".xlsx"
    Dim TempFilename
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        TempFilename = "Z:\" & "Program Template.xlsx"
        TempFilename = ResFileExists
    End If
    On Error GoTo ErrorCheck
    'Open Excel And Base form
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    xlApp.Application.Visible = True
    App.Visible = False
    Set xlWorkbooks = xlapp.Workbooks
    Set xlWorkbook = xlWorkbooks.Open(TempFilename)
    Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets("#Main Page")
    Set xlsheets = xlworkbook.worksheets
    Set fncSheet = xlApp.WorkSheetFunction
    Dim Nomi, Plustol, Minustol,Meas, WidthSet
    Dim sh As Worksheet, flg As Boolean
    For Each sh In xlworkbook.worksheets
        If sh.Name = "Job #" & Jobber.Stringvalue Then flg = True : Exit For
    If flg = False Then
      xlsheets(1).Copy After:=xlsheets(1)
        xlsheets(2).Name = "Job #" & Jobber.StringValue
    End If
    Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets("Job #" & Jobber.StringValue)
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Or xlsheet.cells(1,1).Value = "" Then
    	RCount = 7
    	CCount = 3
    	xlSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Program Name :"
    	xlSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = CMMPrognam.StringValue
    	xlSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value = "Part # :"
    	xlSheet.Cells(2, 2).Value = Partnu.StringValue
    	xlSheet.Cells(3, 1).Value = "Part Name :"
    	xlSheet.Cells(3, 2).Value = Partna.StringValue
    	xlSheet.Cells(4, 1).Value = "Print Information :"
    	xlSheet.Cells(4, 2).Value = Printrevver.StringValue
    	WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(4, 1).Columns.AutoFit()
    	WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(4, 2).Columns.AutoFit()
        Set Samp = Part.GetVariableValue("SAMP")
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, 2).Value = "Feature Name :"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 0, 2).Value = "Dimension :"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 1).Value = "Operator : " & Opper.StringValue
        WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 1).Columns.AutoFit()
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 5, 2).Value = "Sample # : " & Samp.StringValue
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 0, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 1, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 1, 2).Value = "Nominal"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, 2).Value = "USL"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, 2).Value = "LSL"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 4, 1).Value = "--"
        xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 4, 2).Value = "--"
    	For Each Cmd In Cmds
    		'Do GDT
    		If Cmd.Type = 184 And Cmd.Marked = True Then ' FCF
    			ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
    			If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) 
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount+0,CCount).Value =  Cmd.GetText(GDT_SYMBOL, 0)
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount+1,CCount).Value = "0"
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount+2,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, 1)
                                                    If Cmd.GetText(GDT_SYMBOL,0) = "PROFILE OF SURFACE" Then
                                                    Set PlusTol =  fncsheet.Sum(Abs((Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, 1))),Abs((Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MINUSTOL, 1))))
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, CCount).Value = PlusTol
                                                    End If
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount+3,CCount).Value = "0"
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount+4,CCount).Value = "--"
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).Value = fncsheet.Round(Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1),6)
    				If xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value Then
    					xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
    				End If
                                                    If Len(Cmd.GetText (ID, 0)) > Len(Cmd.GetText(GDT_SYMBOL, 0)) Then
    				WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
    				WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount+0,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
                                                    End If
                                                    CCount = CCount + 1
    			End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
    		End If
    		'Do Dimensions
    		If Cmd.IsDimension And Cmd.Marked = True Then
    				Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
    				DimID = DcmdID.ID
    				ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
    				xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, CCount).Value = DcmdID.Id
                                                    WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
    			End If
    			If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
    				Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
    				Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
    				Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
    				CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
    				If CheckDim <> "" Then
    					ReportDim = CheckDim
    				End If
    				If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
    					If DCmd.ID = "" Then
    						xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = DCmd.AxisLetter
    						xlSheet.Cells(RCount - 1, CCount).Value = Dcmd.Id
                                                                            WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount-1,CCount).Columns.AutoFit()
    						xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = "M"
    					End If 'DCmd.ID = ""
    					If Dcmd.Nominal < 0 Then
    						Set Nomi = Abs(DCmd.Nominal)
    						Set PlusTol =  fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,Abs((DCmd.Plus)))
    						Set MinusTol = fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,-Abs((DCmd.Minus)))
    						Set Nomi = DCmd.Nominal
    						Set PlusTol =  fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,(DCmd.Plus))
    						Set MinusTol = fncsheet.Sum(Nomi,-(DCmd.Minus))
    					End If
    					xlSheet.Cells(RCount+1,CCount).Value = Nomi
    					xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 2, CCount).Value = PlusTol
    					xlSheet.Cells(RCount + 3, CCount).Value = MinusTol
    					xlSheet.Cells(RCount+4, CCount).Value = "--"
    					'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
    					If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
    						Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Measured,6))
    						xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
    						If Meas > PlusTol Or _
    							Meas < MinusTol Then
    							xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
    						End If
    						Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
    						xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
    						If Meas > PlusTol Or _
    							Meas < MinusTol Then
    							xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
    						End If
    					End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
    					'Add For Profile dimensions
    					If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
    						Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
    						xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
    						If xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value > PlusTol Or _
    							xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,CCount).value < MinusTol Then
    							xlsheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
    						End If
    					End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
    				End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
    				CCount = CCount + 1
    			End If
    		End If
    	Next Cmd