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Local MAX and MIN of a circle (two point measure)

For a long time I've been impressed by the mathematics of and today I had a little time over to test something that might come useful some day - "Local MAX and MIN of a circle (two point measure)". Maybe it has been shown before on the forum, but for me it was a new experience and an interesting sojourn in the not so much used "vector calculations" possibilities of PC-DMIS, i.e. the fact that you can get a whole bunch of things calculated with a single command, addressing a vector of numbers.


Circle CIR measured with an even number of points, spread all around.


Compute all diameters, find the shortest and longest. This is done by simple coordinate distance [SQRT((X1-X0)^2 + (Y1-Y0)^2) ], but the twist is that PC-DMIS can do it for all diameters at once! It just takes three lines.

            ASSIGN/V1=(CIR.HIT[1..CIR.NUMHITS/2].X-CIR.HIT[CIR.NUMHITS/2+1..CIR.NUMHITS].X)^2  ; square the X-diffs
            ASSIGN/V2=(CIR.HIT[1..CIR.NUMHITS/2].Y-CIR.HIT[CIR.NUMHITS/2+1..CIR.NUMHITS].Y)^2  ; square the Y-diffs
            ASSIGN/V3=SQRT(V1+V2)                                                              ; add them and extract square roots


            "Maxindex: "+MXI
            "Max     : "+MX
            "Minindex: "+MNI
            "Min     : "+MN
  • Yes, is quite the math wiz!

    I made something back in 2011, not with the elegance and slimness as yours though:

    ' A snippet for calculating the max and min values from
    ' an autocircle using two-points method.
    ' Requirements:
    ' A circle with all probehits on the same level, preferably an autocircle
    ' (otherwise calculation might be wrong)
    ' There must be an even amount of hits used to measure the circle
    ' (otherwise calculation WILL be wrong)
    ' Two already created elements for storing the values
    ' (preferable two generic points)
    ' Call it by inserting a call to a basic script
    ' ARG1 must be the featurename of the circle you want to calculate
    ' ARG2 must be the featurename of the generic point that will hold the MAX value
    ' ARG3 must be the featurename of the generic point that will hold the MIN value
    ' Note: ARG2 and ARG3 are optional, if they are left blank, you will need to
    ' tweak the script to suit your needs. I.e code your own method to pass the results
    ' to PC-DMIS.
    ' (c) vpt.se in 2011
    Option Base 1
    Sub Main(inFeature As String, featnamemax As String, featnamemin As String)
    Dim PCDApp, PCDPartPrograms, PCDPartProgram, PCDCommands, PCDCommand, PCDFeatCmd, prbhit1, prbhit2
    Dim nhits, half As Long
    Dim ardim(), x, y, z, dist, distmin, distmax As Double
    Dim i, minidx, maxidx, minidx2, maxidx2 As Integer
    Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms
    Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
    Set PCDCommands = PCDPartProgram.Commands
    Set prbhit = CreateObject("PCDLRN.PointData")
    'Check the Type of inFeature - must be DCC autocircle, otherwise abort
    Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Item(inFeature)
    Set PCDFeatCmd = PCDCommand.FeatureCommand
    If Not PCDCommand.IsDCCFeature Or PCDCommand.TypeDescription = AUTO_CIRCLE Then
      MsgBox "Source feature is wrong type!"
    Else ' Get the number of hits - must be an even number Or the algorithm will fail!
      nhits = PCDFeatCmd.NumHits
      half = nhits / 2
      ReDim ardim(half)
      For i = 1 To half ' Enumerate through the hits
        Set prbhit2 = PCDFeatCmd.GetHit(i+half, FHITDATA_CENTROID, FDATA_MEAS, FDATA_PART, AlignID, PLANE_TOP)
        x = prbhit2.x - prbhit1.x
        y = prbhit2.y - prbhit1.y
        z = prbhit2.z - prbhit1.z
        x = abs(x * x)
        y = abs(y * y)
        z = abs(z * z)
        dist = x+y+z
        dist = sqr(dist) ' Calculate the distance between them
        ardim(i) = dist ' Save it To the array
      Next i
    distmin = ardim(1)
    distmax = ardim(1)
    minidx = 1
    maxidx = 1
    For i = 1 To half ' Find the max And min
    If distmin < ardim(i) Then
      distmin = distmin
      distmin = ardim(i)
      minidx = i ' save hit number
    End If
    If distmax > ardim(i) Then
      distmax = distmax
      distmax = ardim(i)
      maxidx = i ' save hit number
    End If
    Next i
    maxidx2 = maxidx + half ' Get the opposing hits
    minidx2 = minidx + half
    End If
    ' distmax contains the largest distance
    ' maxidx contains the first hit of distmax
    ' maxidx2 contains the second hit (the opposing point)
    ' distmin contains the smallest distance
    ' minidx contains the first hit of distmin
    ' minidx2 contains the second hit (the opposing point)
    ' If destination featurenames were provided, Put the values into them
    ' For the max values
    If featnamemax <> "" Then
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Item(featnamemax)
      PCDCommand.Marked = True
      retval = PCDCommand.PutText (distmax, MEAS_X, 0)
      retval = PCDCommand.PutText (maxidx, MEAS_Y, 0)
      retval = PCDCommand.PutText (maxidx2, MEAS_Z, 0)
    End If
    ' For the min values
    If featnamemin <> "" Then
      Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Item(featnamemin)
      PCDCommand.Marked = True
      retval = PCDCommand.PutText (distmin, MEAS_X, 0)
      retval = PCDCommand.PutText (minidx, MEAS_Y, 0)
      retval = PCDCommand.PutText (minidx2, MEAS_Z, 0)
    End If
    Set prbhit1 = Nothing
    Set prbhit2 = Nothing
    Set PCDFeatCmd = Nothing
    Set PCDCommands = Nothing
    Set PCDPartProgram = Nothing
    Set PCDPartPrograms = Nothing
    Set PCDApp = Nothing
    End Sub
  • I've done something similar to yours before, as a plain PC-DMIS subroutine, but it got lost in some mail/computer change which is why I thought it a suitable target for my vector experiments. I must say I'm impressed by PC-DMIS´ vector capability...
  • I've done something similar to yours before, as a plain PC-DMIS subroutine, but it got lost in some mail/computer change which is why I thought it a suitable target for my vector experiments. I must say I'm impressed by PC-DMIS´ vector capability...

    +1 !
    I believe that the pcd tool box is very nice and sufficient for a lot of "black boxes" checking ...
    With some enhancements, it would be the top !
    I will post soon some of my last funny calculations...
  • : you just have to check the results between this enhancement and your solution... Slight smile

    : bad enhancement for those who use a prime number of hits !!!!!!!
  • That "Size" dialog makes a lot of support questions easier to answer in the future! I like it!

    I have verified with a real measurement on a Ø600 ring (circularity = 0.45), 1893 measuring points, and the PC-DMIS 2017 LP size equals my twopoint calculation down to the third (metric) decimal at least, I didn't show more, so I think they have done it right :-) And, when the number of measuring points is 'big enough' it doesn't matter if it's uneven or prime.

    : Is it a secret how PC-DMIS does the LP calculation? Will it protest if the number of points is too small, or is it extrapolating splines and constructing 'real' opposed points under the hood?

  • "Extrapolating splines and constructing 'real' opposed points" is a good way to look at this.

    The distance method with even hits is only as good as your CMMs ability to take hits where you tell it, and is also subject to error when the hole is out of position (excluding re-measure / findhole options). Spline fitting has problems as well as it's only correct as the total number of hits approaches infinity. Of course either method is going to require a reasonable amount of points if you actually want to find LP_SX and LP_SN the way a gauge would anyway.

    There is some embedded error checking if your input data is really poor (data not sufficient or cross section-y) where SIZE will return a math failed error. In general though, we expect users who want to dimension size per standards rather then the default "D" axis will also know enough to reasonably place their hits.

    I can say we did a number of tests comparing the new size dimension (LP) with a point to point distance and there will be differences, but they are way smaller then the resolution of any CMM.