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Sub Main() On Error Resume Next ' Dim something Dim sOutput As String Dim vOutput As Object Set vOutput = CreateObject("PCDLRN.DimData") Dim CmdText, StrValue, SubCmdText, NumTest As String Dim nPos1, nPos2 As Integer Dim DblTest1, DblTest2 As Double NumTest = "0123456789" Dim App, Part, Cmds, Cmd As Object Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") If (Not App.WaitUntilReady(300)) Or (App Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Machine did not initialize, Exiting" Exit Sub End If Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram Set Cmds = Part.Commands Set Cmd = Nothing ' Loop all Commands For Each Cmd In Cmds ' Get Command Text from EditWindow CmdText = Cmd.Application.ActivePartProgram.EditWindow.GetCommandText(Cmd) ' only Geometric_Tolerace If (Cmd.IsDimension) And (InStr(1, CmdText, "=GEOMETRI") <> 0) Then ' Parse CmdText To OTOL 'SEGMENT nPos1 = InStr(1, CmdText, "SEGMENT") vOutput.Plus = 0 If nPos1 > 0 Then nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ":") SubCmdText = Mid(CmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) nPos1 = InStr(1, SubCmdText, ",") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, SubCmdText, ",") While nPos1 <> 0 StrValue = Mid(SubCmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) If InStr(1, NumTest, Left(StrValue, 1)) <> 0 Then vOutput.Plus = CDbl(StrValue) End If nPos1 = nPos2 nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, SubCmdText, ",") Wend End If ' Parse CmdText To MEASURED 'MULT= ': ': , nPos1 = InStr(1, CmdText, "MULT=") vOutput.Meas = 0 If nPos1 > 0 Then nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ":") If nPos2 > 0 Then nPos1 = InStr(nPos2 + 1, CmdText, ":") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ",") While nPos1 <> 0 StrValue = Mid(CmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) If InStr(1, NumTest, Left(StrValue, 1)) <> 0 Then If vOutput.Meas = 0 Then ' Single Line MEASURED vOutput.Meas = CDbl(StrValue) vOutput.Max = vOutput.Meas vOutput.Min = vOutput.Meas Else ' special Case multi Line MEASURED If CDbl(StrValue) > vOutput.Max Then vOutput.Max = CDbl(StrValue) If CDbl(StrValue) < vOutput.Min Then vOutput.Min = CDbl(StrValue) End If End If nPos1 = InStr(nPos2 + 1, CmdText, ":") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ",") Wend End If End If ' the rest vOutput.Bonus = 0 vOutput.nom = 0 vOutput.Minus = 0 vOutput.Dev = vOutput.Meas vOutput.DevAngle = 0 DblTest1 = vOutput.Plus DblTest2 = vOutput.Max If (DblTest1 - DblTest2) < 0 Then vOutput.Out = Abs(DblTest1 - DblTest2) Else vOutput.Out = 0 End If ' Do something With vOutput sOutput = Cmd.ID & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "nominal:" & CStr(vOutput.nom) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "measured: " & CStr(vOutput.Meas) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "tol plus: " & CStr(vOutput.Plus) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "tol minus: " & CStr(vOutput.Minus) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "out of Tol: " & CStr(vOutput.Out) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "max: " & CStr(vOutput.Max) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "min: " & CStr(vOutput.Min) MsgBox sOutput End If Next Cmd Set Cmds = Nothing Set Cmd = Nothing Set Part = Nothing Set App = Nothing Set vOutput = Nothing End Sub
Sub Main() On Error Resume Next ' Dim something Dim sOutput As String Dim vOutput As Object Set vOutput = CreateObject("PCDLRN.DimData") Dim CmdText, StrValue, SubCmdText, NumTest As String Dim nPos1, nPos2 As Integer Dim DblTest1, DblTest2 As Double NumTest = "0123456789" Dim App, Part, Cmds, Cmd As Object Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") If (Not App.WaitUntilReady(300)) Or (App Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Machine did not initialize, Exiting" Exit Sub End If Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram Set Cmds = Part.Commands Set Cmd = Nothing ' Loop all Commands For Each Cmd In Cmds ' Get Command Text from EditWindow CmdText = Cmd.Application.ActivePartProgram.EditWindow.GetCommandText(Cmd) ' only Geometric_Tolerace If (Cmd.IsDimension) And (InStr(1, CmdText, "=GEOMETRI") <> 0) Then ' Parse CmdText To OTOL 'SEGMENT nPos1 = InStr(1, CmdText, "SEGMENT") vOutput.Plus = 0 If nPos1 > 0 Then nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ":") SubCmdText = Mid(CmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) nPos1 = InStr(1, SubCmdText, ",") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, SubCmdText, ",") While nPos1 <> 0 StrValue = Mid(SubCmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) If InStr(1, NumTest, Left(StrValue, 1)) <> 0 Then vOutput.Plus = CDbl(StrValue) End If nPos1 = nPos2 nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, SubCmdText, ",") Wend End If ' Parse CmdText To MEASURED 'MULT= ': ': , nPos1 = InStr(1, CmdText, "MULT=") vOutput.Meas = 0 If nPos1 > 0 Then nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ":") If nPos2 > 0 Then nPos1 = InStr(nPos2 + 1, CmdText, ":") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ",") While nPos1 <> 0 StrValue = Mid(CmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) If InStr(1, NumTest, Left(StrValue, 1)) <> 0 Then If vOutput.Meas = 0 Then ' Single Line MEASURED vOutput.Meas = CDbl(StrValue) vOutput.Max = vOutput.Meas vOutput.Min = vOutput.Meas Else ' special Case multi Line MEASURED If CDbl(StrValue) > vOutput.Max Then vOutput.Max = CDbl(StrValue) If CDbl(StrValue) < vOutput.Min Then vOutput.Min = CDbl(StrValue) End If End If nPos1 = InStr(nPos2 + 1, CmdText, ":") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ",") Wend End If End If ' the rest vOutput.Bonus = 0 vOutput.nom = 0 vOutput.Minus = 0 vOutput.Dev = vOutput.Meas vOutput.DevAngle = 0 DblTest1 = vOutput.Plus DblTest2 = vOutput.Max If (DblTest1 - DblTest2) < 0 Then vOutput.Out = Abs(DblTest1 - DblTest2) Else vOutput.Out = 0 End If ' Do something With vOutput sOutput = Cmd.ID & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "nominal:" & CStr(vOutput.nom) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "measured: " & CStr(vOutput.Meas) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "tol plus: " & CStr(vOutput.Plus) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "tol minus: " & CStr(vOutput.Minus) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "out of Tol: " & CStr(vOutput.Out) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "max: " & CStr(vOutput.Max) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "min: " & CStr(vOutput.Min) MsgBox sOutput End If Next Cmd Set Cmds = Nothing Set Cmd = Nothing Set Part = Nothing Set App = Nothing Set vOutput = Nothing End Sub
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