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I measured a line theoretically parallel to the X-axis but not at z=0 plane. I want to align X-axis paralell to this line but won't change the origin. So I used ROTATE XLUS around YPLUS. IT is not right.

When I did the initial alingment, I measured a cylinder, whose center line is Y-axis. So I used ROTAE YPLUS around ZPLUS. It seems right to me. What did I do wrong for the the above case?
  • Try all of this:


    First of all, to do ANY alignment, 3-2-1 or iterative, you MUST have XYZ values for whatever you use for the alignment.

    Step #1
    Do this no matter WHAT type of alignment you are going to do.
    1) Place the part on the table the way it will sit for your inspection
    2) Import your model data BEFORE you do any measuring
    3) Using the CTRL-F3 option (3-D rotate), rotate the cad data until it matches the way the part sits on the machine, remembering that as you look at the screen you are looking DOWN on the machine
    4) Once you have the cad data rotate (you are actually ONLY rotating the VIEW of the cad data), use F5 to open the setup options.
    5) Go to the Part/Machine tab and while looking at the 3-D rotate cube, set your CAD to MACHINE axis
    6) Click OK
    7) Set your workplane to the ‘top’ of the cube (if the top, facing YOU face of the cube is X-, use the X- workplane)

    You are now ready to do an alignment.

    Iterative alignment
    1) You need to know WHAT the datums are that you have to use for alignment. Use CTRL-F to open the AUTO FEATURES window
    2) Select the type of feature you are going to use (vector, surface, circle, etc.) and pick that feature from the model
    3) Create the feature, BUT DO NOT MEASURE IT!
    4) Continue until you have all the features you need for your alignment, remember, ALL circular feature types NEED a minimum of 3 surface sample hits (circles, cylinders, cones, slots)
    5) Print out the graphics screen for a reference of where the points need to be measured
    6) Mark all the features and execute them, measure them as close to where they need to be as you can. OPTIONAL, do this here or at STEP 13
    7) Go into the alignment and then into ITERATIVE alignment
    8) Select the (minimum of) 3 ‘level’ features
    9) Select the (minimum of) 2 ‘rotate’ features
    10) Select the (minimum of) 1 ‘origin’ feature
    11) Set the tolerance to high values, I use 10mm radius and 1mm fixture
    12) OK out of the iterative window and the alignment window
    13) Mark all the features an execute the program, and measure the features as close to where they go as you can, this is the second place you can do this, but if you didn't do it as step 6, DO IT NOW!
    14) You are now aligned
    15) Turn on DCC mode and repeat steps 1 to 10, making the program executable, meaning it will run without crashing. HOWEVER, for the tolerances, at this point, I use 0.5 for radius and 0.05 for fixture. ALSO, mark the MEASURE ALL ALWAYS box in the iterative window
    16) Now, program the checks of the part

    3-2-1 alignment (mostly for holding fixtures)
    This is a very easy alignment, however, you will have to think back to 2nd or 3rd grade when they taught you to use a number line (you’ll see)
    1) All the alignment features on the fixture SHOULD have XYZ values stamped on them. For this example, I will use a plane, and 2 lines (top corner of the fixture base)
    2) Measure the plane, making sure that all the touches are EXACTLY where you want them to be
    3) Measure a line (the longer edge of the base) for the ROTATE, making sure of the DIRECTION of the line
    4) Measure the second edge of the base (direction makes no difference)
    5) Construct a point at the intersection of the 2 lines
    6) Now, you need to know exactly WHAT each of those features represent. We will say that the PLANE is for the X+ axis, the rotate line points in the Y+ direction (first to last point taken on the line) and we need to know they XYZ value for that corner of the fixture base
    7) Open the alignment window
    8)Level X+ to the plane
    9) Rotate Y+ ABOUT the X+ axis to the rotate line
    10) Set the X origin to the plane
    11) Set the Y axis to the corner point
    12) Set the Z axis to the corner point
    13) Now, it is time to offset the origins. This is where the number line comes into play
    IF the X value for the top of the base is equal to 1250mm, then you need to offset the X origin –1250mm. What you are doing is telling Pcdmis the direction (in this case -) and the amount to move the ZERO point, which right now is located at the corner of the base. This will make the base equal to X1250.

    Do this for each of the axis, remembering that you are telling it the DIRECTION and AMOUNT to move the origin AWAY from where you have the origin set to.

    So, for the corner values of the fixture at X1250, Y-250 and Z2321, your offsets will be X-1250, Y250 and Z-2321

    14) Click on CAD=PART
    15) Close the alignment window.
    You model should now be ‘floating’ in space about the alignment features just like it does on the fixture.
    16) Go into DCC mode and program the alignment as an executable program (one that will run without crashing). The reason for this is simple, the machine will give better, more accurate touches than you, the operator can. The speed of the touch CAN and DOES have a big impact on the final results Pcdmis see for the touch. Faster or slower can change the comp of the point, so use DCC. Not only that, but if you have to re-home the machine or re-calibrate the probes (for whatever reason), you need ONLY run the DCC portion of the alignment, the manual can be left un-done, as long as the fixture has not been moved on the table
    16) Program and check the part.

    I use non-iterative alignments almost exclusively and I never have any problems or issues with them. I also keep the alignment as a separate program, saving the alignment to an external file, then recalling that external file in my check programs. In this way, I can have multiple programs to check various portions/operations of the part WITHOUT the need to align multiple times. Sure, you can cram it all into one program, but that will slow Pcdmis down. Also, by using separate check programs, I can send the various data sets to different Datapage files.

    The biggest advantage to the 3-2-1 CAD=PART alignment is it's ease in adjustment. You can easily adjust your pick-up values to fine-in a holding fixture without trying to figure out what-in-the-**** each individual point in the iterative alignment needs to be to get the desired effect, just change the offset for that axis, find and click on CAD=PART again (do it twice, in V3.7 MR3 it does not 'catch' it the first time) and re-check the features.
  • Thanks, Matt.

    I need to explaine a little bit more about my situation. I have a fixture (just two centers) to hold a cylinder part. I did my alignment of the fixture and it was no problem. When I load my part into the fixture, I have to make extra alingment as the part can rotate around the center. So here it is not a full blown alignment. So I measure a line along a flat surface. The line is theoretically parallel to X-axis. So that is where my original question came from.
  • Thanks, Matt.

    I need to explaine a little bit more about my situation. I have a fixture (just two centers) to hold a cylinder part. I did my alignment of the fixture and it was no problem. When I load my part into the fixture, I have to make extra alingment as the part can rotate around the center. So here it is not a full blown alignment. So I measure a line along a flat surface. The line is theoretically parallel to X-axis. So that is where my original question came from.

    IF you have a cylinder, the axis of the cylinder will be the LEVEL and 2 axis origin (not the one that is used for level) and the BASE or FACE of the cylinder CAN be used for the last axis origin, thus the cylinder & end of cylinder are constraining 5 of the 6 DOF of the part. The only DOF left is the rotate. This would need to be a line NOT along the axis of the cylinder and NOT along the base/face of the cylinder as these DOF are all taken care of. The remaining DOF would be if you were to place the cylinder ona mill and cut a flat on it, and the flat direction as it intersects the diameter of the circle (in 2 places) will be the last DOF. SO, to measure a line THERE, you need to level to the cylinder axis and whatever workplane you level the cylinder to is the workplane you need to measure that line in and the rotate will be the rotate axis ABOUT the level axis.
  • The cylinder center line is Y-axis. And X,Z origins are on the center line. The face of the cylinder is Y origin. My flat surface is not in the Z=0 plane and not along Y-axis. I measured a line along X direction on the flat. Then I ROTAE XPLUS around YPLUS. That was I envisioned should be. But the result was wrong. I have no idea why.
  • The cylinder center line is Y-axis. And X,Z origins are on the center line. The face of the cylinder is Y origin. My flat surface is not in the Z=0 plane and not along Y-axis. I measured a line along X direction on the flat. Then I ROTAE XPLUS around YPLUS. That was I envisioned should be. But the result was wrong. I have no idea why.

    were you in the correct workplane to MEASURE the line? Has to be in the same workplane (and it has to be correct) that you are rotating "ABOUT".
  • Thank you very, very much, Matt. That is exactly what I did wrong. But I still can't figure out why. I guess I just have to remember.
  • Did you sit and type out that whole explanation in one sitting? That is impressive.

    I don't care what everybody thinks about you, you're alright.Astonished