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Rename features to numerical order

I was wondering if there was a way to rename features after all features have been created. I like to write my offline programs using individual Auto Vector Points and then I will build features like planes and lines (for example) after everything is created. A common problem I run into is I'll forget to put a point into a certain location. So I'll go back and insert a point where I want but since I've created 30 points after this location the new point I create will not be in numerical order. Is there a way I can tell PC-DMIS to rename all points to numerical order? Hope this makes sense. I've attached a screen shot as an example.

Attached Files
  • Once upon a time, there was a VB6 script called EditFeat, available from the Wilcox web pages, which could do this. I can't find it on the Wilcox ftp anymore, but maybe someone else has a copy? I don't know if it would work in current Windows versions, though...

    Edit: I found the VB6 source code (no executable) in my archives, and have stripped away all the VB6-isms so the script can be run in PC-DMIS Basic. It's pretty basic (pun intended), and may need a little work to do exactly what you want, but it may be a start...

    Code here: https://www.pcdmisforum.com/forum/pc-dmis-enterprise-metrology-software/pc-dmis-code-samples/427053-simple-rename-script-needs-work-by-anyone-interested#post427053
  • The old OLD DOS versions of Pcdmis had this ability. I guess it was too handy to keep around when they switched to windoze.
  • I do this all of the time!
    1. Go to Edit>Pattern. In this dialog box, make sure X-, Y-, and Z-offset, and Angle all =0. Number of times to offset=1. And do not mirror the features.
    2. Go into the Edit Window and copy the code from your entire program.
    3. Use Edit>Paste with Pattern.

    This will create a copy of the entire program but will rename all of the features. Sometimes it will start the numbering sequences with the number after the last feature you copied (i.e. if the last circle you programmed was CIR6, it may start the naming sequence at CIR7 for the first feature in the duplicated code); if this happens, do it again, but this time copy the "new" code. You might need to close and reopen before copying to get it to reset the numbers to start at CIR1, PNT1, etc.

  • Smart! Tested and 'verified'. Didn't work as expected for the alignments, but otherwise it did the rename (I pwp:ed into a new pp).
  • As a side note, I'm a bit confused why you want to rename everything in a program, actually why anyone would want to keep the default PLN/LIN/CIR at all.

    Wouldn't it be better to give everything meaningful names from the beginning, coupled to print coordinates, balloon numbers, or anything else that has actual meaning even for the next programmer?
  • Thanks for the input all!

    MIke, I will try this out.

    Anders, the reason why I sometimes run into this problem is because every feature I create in my program doesn't always have a special label like "CIR.250_1". To be honest, a lot of the time I don't even change the labels at all and just keep whatever PC-DMIS gives me. Of course, I make up for this in my reporting. When I output I put in a little extra time putting in comments above the output feature that explains the feature, whether it's a balloon number or just info like "CIR.250_1 (ZONE B4, SHEET1).
  • Dim PCDApp As Object
    Dim PCDPartPrograms As Object
    Dim PCDPartProgram As Object
    Dim PCDCommands As Object
    Dim PCDCommand As Object
    Dim Fcntr,Vcntr As Integer
    Dim FeatureList$(1000)
    Dim VariableList$(1000)
    Dim fType,vValue,dValue As String

    Sub Part1

    Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms
    Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
    Set PCDCommands = PCDPartProgram.Commands

    Dim MyList$ (16)
    MyList (0) =612
    MyList (1) =615
    MyList (2) =616
    MyList (3) =614
    MyList (4) =617
    MyList (5) =618
    MyList (6) =605
    MyList (7) =619
    MyList (8) =613
    MyList (9) =602
    MyList (10) =596
    MyList (11) =544
    MyList (12) =586
    MyList (13) =587
    MyList (14) =241
    MyList (15) =245
    MyList (16) =243

    Begin Dialog DIALOGNAME1 48,60, 199, 195, "Select"
    ComboBox 10,14,24,150, MyList$(), .Combo1
    CancelButton 142,172,40,12
    OKButton 14,172,40,12
    Text 40,28,121,12, "CONTACT_CIRCLE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,36,121,12, "CONTACT_CONE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,44,121,12, "CONTACT_CYLINDER_FEATURE"
    Text 40,52,121,12, "CONTACT_LINE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,60,121,12, "CONTACT_PLANE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,68,121,12, "CONTACT_SLOT_ROUND_FEATURE"
    Text 40,76,121,12, "CONTACT_ANGLE_POINT_FEATURE"
    Text 40,84,121,12, "CONTACT_SLOT_SQUARE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,92,121,12, "CONTACT_SPHERE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,100,121,12, "CONTACT_VECTOR_POINT_FEATURE"
    Text 40,108,121,12, "CONST_SET"
    Text 40,116,121,12, "CONST_MID_LINE"
    Text 40,124,121,12, "CONST_WIDTH2D_FEATURE"
    Text 40,132,121,12, "CONST_WIDTH3D_FEATURE"
    Text 40,140,121,12, "VISION_SURFACE_POINT_FEATURE"
    Text 40,148,121,12, "VISION_CIRCLE_FEATURE"
    Text 40,156,121,12, "VISION_LINE_FEATURE"
    End Dialog

    Dim Dlg1 As DialogName1
    Dlg1.Combo1 = "Selection"
    button = Dialog( Dlg1 )
    If button = 2 Then
    End If

    Dim fType As String

    PntName = "POINT"
    LineName = "AUTOLINE"
    CircleName = "AUTOCIRCLE"
    RdSlotName = "ROUNDSLOT"
    SqSlotName = "SQUARESLOT"
    WidthName = "WIDTH"
    PlaneName = "AUTOPLANE"
    AngleName = "ANGLEPNT"
    CylinderName = "AUTOCYLINDER"
    ConeName = "AUTOCONE"
    SphereName = "AUTOSPHERE"
    SetName = "FEATURESET"
    MidLineName = "MIDLINE"
    VisionPointName = "VISIONPOINT"
    VisionCircleName = "VISIONCIRCLE"
    VisionLineName = "VISIONLINE"

    Select Case Dlg1.Combo1
    Case 612
    fType = CircleName
    Case 615
    fType = ConeName
    Case 616
    fType = CylinderName
    Case 614
    fType = LineName
    Case 617
    fType = PlaneName
    Case 618
    fType = SlotName
    Case 605
    fType = AngleName
    Case 619
    fType = SqSlotName
    Case 613
    fType = SphereName
    Case 602
    fType = PntName
    Case 596
    fType = SetName
    Case 544
    fType = MidLineName
    Case 586
    fType = WidthName
    Case 587
    fType = WidthName
    Case 241
    fType = VisionPointName
    Case 245
    fType = VisionCircleName
    Case 243
    fType = VisionCircleName
    End Select

    Dim aArray$(46) As Integer
    aArray(0) = "STARTZ"
    aArray(1) = "STARTX"
    aArray(2) = "STARTY"
    aArray(3) = "STARTXY"
    aArray(4) = "PNT1"
    aArray(5) = "PNT2"
    aArray(6) = "PNT3"
    aArray(7) = "PNT4"
    aArray(8) = "PNT5"
    aArray(9) = "PNT6"
    aArray(10) = "PNT7"
    aArray(11) = "A1"
    aArray(12) = "A2"
    aArray(13) = "A3"
    aArray(14) = "A4"
    aArray(15) = "B1"
    aArray(16) = "B2"
    aArray(17) = "B3"
    aArray(18) = "B4"
    aArray(19) = "C1"
    aArray(20) = "C2"
    aArray(21) = "C3"
    aArray(22) = "C4"
    aArray(23) = "C5"
    aArray(24) = "C6"
    aArray(25) = "C7"
    aArray(26) = "C8"
    aArray(27) = "C9"
    aArray(28) = "C10"
    aArray(29) = "C11"
    aArray(30) = "C12"
    aArray(31) = "DATUMA"
    aArray(32) = "DATUMB"
    aArray(33) = "DATUMC"
    aArray(34) = "DATUMD"
    aArray(35) = "DATUME"
    aArray(36) = "DATUMF"
    aArray(37) = "DATUMG"
    aArray(38) = "ITERATE1"
    aArray(39) = "ITERATE2"
    aArray(40) = "ITERATE3"
    aArray(41) = "ITERATE4"
    aArray(42) = "ITERATE5"
    aArray(43) = "ITERATE6"
    aArray(44) = "ITERATE7"
    aArray(45) = "ROTATE"

    For Each PCDCommand In PCDCommands
    If PCDCommand.Type = Dlg1.Combo1 Then
    vValue = PCDCommand.ID
    vType = PCDCommand.Type

    For i = 0 To 45
    If aArray(i) = vValue Then
    GoTo Label1
    End If
    Next i

    FeatureList(Fcntr) = PCDCommand.ID
    Fcntr = Fcntr + 1
    retval = PCDCommand.PutText (fType & Fcntr, ID, 0)

    If Dlg1.Combo1 = 195 Then
    dValue = PCDCommand.GetText(133,1)

    Select Case dValue
    Case dValue = "READX"
    GoTo Label1
    Case dValue = "READY"
    GoTo Label1
    Case dValue = "READZ"
    GoTo Label1
    Case dValue = "ZSTART"
    GoTo Label1
    Case dValue = "SAMPELNUM"
    GoTo Label1
    Case dValue = "DATA"
    GoTo Label1
    End Select

    VariableList(Vcntr ) = fType
    Vcntr = Vcntr + 1
    retval = PCDCommand.PutText (fType & Vcntr , DEST_EXPR, 0)
    End If

    End If

    Next PCDCommand

    End Sub

    Sub Main
    End Sub
  • I rename features this way all the time, but wonder if special characters I use are a good Idea, for example I will use "Ø3.500 OD" for a feature label
  • Hi Programming Gurus,

    Is there a way to take the above code and modify it to not rename but to capture and output dynamically named features to a csv? I'd envision using the popup dialog and using it to select the features that will be used with a writeline. Whatever is selected is then exported with the feature name, measured x, y, z, etc.
  • This is absolutely doable, but unfortunately I didn't find a finished script in the forum.
    You must enter your code after "FeatureList(Fcntr) = PCDCommand.ID" which extracts the data and then writes it in a csv/txt file