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I have 2 circles that I scanned. I drew a line between the 2 and that is being used as my Datum.
Can runout be measured using a line drawn between to circles?
I was told that using cones makes it nearly impossible to get good runout data.
I have 2 circles that I scanned. I drew a line between the 2 and that is being used as my Datum.
Can runout be measured using a line drawn between to circles?
I was told that using cones makes it nearly impossible to get good runout data.
I am just getting back to you louisd on this one.
I was working on some rotor parts. My datum A was the center of the part, a line from one end of the part to the other. (Had to use centers to check the runout as there were chamfers or cones on either side of the rotor). The measurement was a runout callout.
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