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Building an expression for the alignment


  • He reminds me of a lot of the people that I work with.

    Presents intelligently & knows enough to sound like he knows what he's talking about but when its time to produce he's just a rude confused guy who doesn't have the respect for the company or others around him to admit when he needs help so he doubles down and hides behind his crappy personality to push people who are onto him, away.

    Every post is like this, bunch of random words thrown together to sound intelligent. Then reiterates the same nonsense over and over again with nothing new except trash talk.

    Hey 'UK' thanks for following up.
    I've attached a rough draft of the part shaded to show that it's rounded throughout. The surfaces throughout the inside are also contour. I posted these files approximately 3 weeks ago. Exhausting all avenues to get through to 'louis' who was showing the most help at the time while the others as one put it, were trolling. Exhausting all avenues I attached another file that I thought would best show where I need to put the code and how I could use the menus to do that. I've attached the first rough draft approximately 3 weeks ago, and after exhausting all avenues, I've attached the second (Expression Builder) approximately a week and a half after that.
    I have reattached these files 'UK' and I have to hand it to you, in comparison to yours, you're virtually right on target with a good analogy. The part is hollow and the ends they are are radial with a small angle for a flat. The CAD model of the ends are at 15° degrees with a radial perimeter on the outer edges.
    If you were to look at this part from the 'X' work plane the upper and lower inside diameters on the ends are of the same size except the left end diameters are slightly smaller. Looking fro from that view (X work plane), they take on the look of rounded slots.
    They are the best thing to use as a way to get the center of each end. The part is fixed on the CMM like it is pictured in the rough draft15° Ends. The length of the part runs in the 'X' axis. As long as you don't have a DEA CMM...Slight smile
    As I indicated in the beginning of the post, my measurements vary from .016 thousandths to .024 thousandths out of tolerance. The alignment is accurate and on target, it's the part that changes. The angles will fluctuate from minutes to a degree off, and if anyone knows trig, that will affect the end result. I need to have the best alignment, not the best dimension as some of these other guys are having a hard time understanding.
    I've reattached the files and I'm thinking you could help with the best answer for me when it comes to entering the code for the alignment. You're files are very good and I appreciate you hopping on here with them. That shows a lot and because of that I'm thinking you will be able to help with an answer... Thanks!

    Why don't you post the code, snapshot of the CAD and print callout so we can give you an easy answer for your incompetency.

    To simply answer your problem with the limited information, your methodology is flawed using machine coordinates to align to your part with or without an "expression"

    Can't you show us a close up snapshot of the CAD model instead of your 1993 Mike Judge hand drawn version?

    No, then it would be too easy to solve this PC-DMIS 101 level question and he wouldn't feel superior anymore

  • you see sir, the short end of the dilemma is that you are trying to manipulate the members of this forum to do your job.
    We are all very independent and strong-willed folks. We aren't going to do the work for you. It's just not going to happen.

    Suck it up. Read. Learn. Do.

    If you at least show an effort, or ask more questions showing you have applied the stated suggestions... We would surely try to help you more.

    While you are at it, swallow your pride, show respect, and be proactive.

    I warned you, that you are alienating yourself and digging yourself a respective grave on this forum. And yet, here you are... Three pages later, and still nowhere.
    How many more members of this forum are you going to "burn" in your lazy a$s pursuit to delegate work?
  • you see sir, the short end of the dilemma is that you are trying to manipulate the members of this forum to do your job.
    We are all very independent and strong-willed folks. We aren't going to do the work for you. It's just not going to happen.

    Suck it up. Read. Learn. Do.

    If you at least show an effort, or ask more questions showing you have applied the stated suggestions... We would surely try to help you more.

    While you are at it, swallow your pride, show respect, and be proactive.

    I warned you, that you are alienating yourself and digging yourself a respective grave on this forum. And yet, here you are... Three pages later, and still nowhere.
    How many more members of this forum are you going to "burn" in your lazy a$s pursuit to delegate work?

    The only good thing that came out of this abortion of a post is our increased post counts AND that apologized.

    To our FRIEND across the pond:

    Thank you, I accept your apology and I am sorry for my part in what happened as well. Hope all has been well over the past two years.
  • Hey guys, I got a new part and I am stuggling with it, the problem is its a really complex shape. Can you help me on how I am going to hold the part and then align it with some really tricky voodoo variable code ? I can do it myself in 5 other softwares but this DMIS package is tough. And while your at it, let me know if there are any probe angles I need to add , dimension it , and then set it up so I can dump all the variable data into a spreadsheet. Cool. I will share a print and CAD when you are all ready with the code. Please PM it to me as I am busy down a deep rapid hole on you tube and don't want to bother you while your working. You can just follow / fill out my power point as you go. Thanks.
  • You don't need an alingment. It's easy, just beep it, and then you're good.
  • Hey guys, I got a new part and I am stuggling with it, the problem is its a really complex shape. Can you help me on how I am going to hold the part and then align it with some really tricky voodoo variable code ? I can do it myself in 5 other softwares but this DMIS package is tough. And while your at it, let me know if there are any probe angles I need to add , dimension it , and then set it up so I can dump all the variable data into a spreadsheet. Cool. I will share a print and CAD when you are all ready with the code. Please PM it to me as I am busy down a deep rapid hole on you tube and don't want to bother you while your working. You can just follow / fill out my power point as you go. Thanks.

    I start working on that once I finish wrapping up my presentation on neo-molecular tangent cosine error alignment expression in regards to non-binary CMM's
  • Thank you Dan well I am older balder and hopfuly wiser, hope is good with you.
  • Hey guys, I got a new part and I am stuggling with it, the problem is its a really complex shape. Can you help me on how I am going to hold the part and then align it with some really tricky voodoo variable code ? I can do it myself in 5 other softwares but this DMIS package is tough. And while your at it, let me know if there are any probe angles I need to add , dimension it , and then set it up so I can dump all the variable data into a spreadsheet. Cool. I will share a print and CAD when you are all ready with the code. Please PM it to me as I am busy down a deep rapid hole on you tube and don't want to bother you while your working. You can just follow / fill out my power point as you go. Thanks.

    Talk to your boss about Level 1 PC-DMIS training course. It's definitely worth it. Stuck out tongue closed eyes
  • I haven't viewed the pictures or anything but from what I gathered from the original post......
    Its a distance measurement from the centroid of one circle to the other.
    Each surface is at 15 degrees but parallel.
    I'm assuming the holes are coaxial. based on the posts.

    Could you not just align to the center axis of both holes in say the X axis then output the distance of the two circles projected to planes measured on each surface?
    I don't understand the need for a complex offset angle alignment.

    Am I missing something?

    Also, I love how claims to be the professional entity here.
  • Hey guys, I got a new part and I am stuggling with it, the problem is its a really complex shape. Can you help me on how I am going to hold the part and then align it with some really tricky voodoo variable code ? I can do it myself in 5 other softwares but this DMIS package is tough. And while your at it, let me know if there are any probe angles I need to add , dimension it , and then set it up so I can dump all the variable data into a spreadsheet. Cool. I will share a print and CAD when you are all ready with the code. Please PM it to me as I am busy down a deep rapid hole on you tube and don't want to bother you while your working. You can just follow / fill out my power point as you go. Thanks.

    Not to worry good sir, your in Minnesota, I'll just drive up there spend $200 in gas money to get there. I'll figure all the GD&T out for you, Do I need to bring you a Coffee when I show up, If this is a complex part it may take a little time to write the program an such, please, I beg you to be patient, for I am not as fast as others are. I guess my question would be, how much do I need to pay you to do all of this for you? Just so I know if I have enough money for gas money to get back home?