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Building an expression for the alignment

  • Jesus christ, this post went downhill quick...
  • .... a more professional manner when your doing your job. Take that as good advice, because I was patient with you and I expect the same. No need to worry Dan_M was the most helpful from the start. You can go about your way.

    wait... you don't think everyone here is working for Hexagon paid to service you... right?

  • wait... you don't think everyone here is working for Hexagon paid to service you... right?

    It says right here in my SMA Payment Contract "After receiving your payment, Hexagon hereby agrees to remit ONE Applications Engineer (hereafter referred to as HexAE) to your company for a period of 364 days of servitude. Services provided by HexAE will include but not limited to: 1) unlimited programming advise...2) machine calibration services... 3) two jokes per day regarding how machinists don't measure parts correctly".
  • 3) if only it were just a joke. Not long ago I found almost ,250" (yes inch) circularity error on a diameter with .015 tol... 3 jaw lobing I saw it by eye they passed it with 2 point measure (id mic)... almost needed 2 tri mic for the range to show it
  • I almost ventured into this thread on a few occasions but didn't like the OP's sense of entitlement, plus he's done a shonky job of explaining the issue.
  • I almost ventured into this thread on a few occasions but didn't like the OP's sense of entitlement, plus he's done a shonky job of explaining the issue.

    Please define "shonky" LMAO
  • 1. of dubious integrity or legality. 2. unreliable; unsound.
  • I'm probably going to regret this but here goes.

    1) You have failed to provide the relevant information needed for us to help you. We get that it's an odd shape, with no flats inside or out, but you then talk about picking up on diameters and rotating to them. WHERE ARE THESE DIAMETERS? If there's basically a true cylindrical hole in each end then what you're asking won't make any difference and a 3d distance from pierce-point to pierce-point is going to give you the right answer.

    2) You go on to give a very verbose description of what you've done and how you've tried to align it - perhaps posting your alignment code might have been more useful. There's some experienced people here and we can tell a lot if we can see the whole picture (XYZ's and ijk's).

    3) You say repeatedly 'it's really simple' yet you're here asking how to do it. I again reiterate that I think your description of this problem (and the nomenclature you're using) is both confusing and lacking.

    4) You're being rude and condescending to people who repeatedly dedicate their time to help people.

  • The problem here sir, is that you don't get it, and you are expecting us to hand it to you on a silver platter. The only remaining advice I feel is needed, to answer your question and get the support you need, is for you to go outside and pi$s into the wind. Everything you need has already been posted.